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At night, PraPai was glowing with happiness as he flaunts about Sky whoever was ready to listen to him. Sky was startled by PraPai's behaviour but at the same time, he loved how PraPai would stares at him with so much love and smile

"My Sky is best, he even cooked for me to impress me!" PraPai said as he stood near Phayu who was busy fixing a bike.

Phayu remained quiet and decided to ignore the peacock beside him. Meanwhile, Rain was confronting Sky for details. Sky's ears were red as he told Rain how PraPai took him on a date and later confessed.

Rain squeals in delight and squeezes the life out of Sky who tried to push him away, "I'm so happy! Now we can have movie nights together or couple dates!!"

"Calm down, you can plan everything later after the event. For now, relax.." Sky pats Rain's head as if he was a hyperactive puppy. Rain nodded before hugging Sky again.

"What got you both so excited huh? Share with me too" Saifah walked over to them and asked in curiosity. Rain grin on seeing Saifah and announce, "P'Phai and Sky are officially dating!"

"Oh.." Saifah was surprised, he looked at Sky who couldn't stop smiling and then pats Sky's back, "Congratulations kiddo! You found yourself a good person.."

"What about you, Phee?" Rain asked Saifah with teasing smile while Saifah looks at him in confusion

"What about me?" Saifah asked in curiosity, Rain shook his head in disappointed and spoke, "I guess you didn't notice but P'Gin seems to like you alot! If you feel the same then confess and date!"

Saifah was taken aback and he blinked a couple of times before he walked away without saying anything. Both Rain and Sky shared a confused look and Rain whispered in worry, "I shouldn't have said that?"

"Na, you did well. Maybe they would stop beating around the bushes and confess.." Sky said as he looked at Saifah who was absent mindedly checking the bike.

"I hope soo.." Rain whispered in a worried voice.

                          The event wrapped by 11 pm, it was more like a show off event to new business partners of Pakin. Everyone went to a dinner party where Pakin was signing the deal with business partner. Gin accompanied his dad and once the deal was signed, he politely said goodbye and went to join his own friends.

PraPai, Sky, Phayu, Rain and Saifah were sitting together at a few tables from Gin. Others noticed how Saifah and Gin would stare at each other when the other wasn't looking. Saifah bites his lips when Gin catches him staring and pretends to look around instead.

"What's going on between you two?" PraPai asked in curiosity when he saw Saifah behaving weirdly.

"Nothing.." Saifah whispered as he gulped down the alcohol and ate chips.

"Doesn't seems so, first Gin was behaving weird and now you…" Phayu said calmly as he stared at his younger brother. Saifah froze but then pretended like he can't hear him

Phayu shared a look with PraPai and sighs before he spoke, "Gin likes you.."

Saifah remains unbothered as he took a sip of his drink, others noticed how unaffected Saifah was by the confession and felt sorry for Gin but then they decided that they have no right to interfere.

Saifah looked in Gin direction and found a younger smile about something his friends when a girl approached them. Saifah frowns as the girl sat next to Gin while smiling sweetly at him

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