"A cold, and solemn lapse in judgement"

Începe de la început

The Dark Cacao Watchers atop the Cacao Citadel Walls fired arrows at the enemies, making the others run away. Gatekeeper Cookie opened the gates, allowing Pure Vanilla Cookie and his friends in.

Gatekeeper: Why did you come here? You know It's dangerous to be here!

Second Watcher: I thought King Dark Cacao Cookie advised you not to. Also, who is the one in yellow? I know White Lily Cookie, though.

Pure Vanilla: That is Timekeeper Cookie, she has portals and stuff.

Timekeeper Cookie fell to the snow, fainting from exhaustion, also dropping White Lily Cookie into the snow.

Pure Vanilla: Ah! Get them to the Uinyeo!

Second Watcher: On it, Gatekeeper Cookie, keep watch on the gates!

Gatekeeper: Yes sir.

Second Watcher Cookie picked White Lily and Timekeeper Cookie up, taking them to the Uinyeo. Pure Vanilla Cookie followed, so as to get a break, and rest. Dark Cacao Cookie was notified of their appearance in the Dark Cacao Citadel, so he went over there in order to see if it was true. By the time he got to the Uinyeos, he saw his friends, and a cookie he didn't know.

Dark Cacao: Who is she?

Uinyeo: I do not know, Second Watcher Cookie just brought her, and told me to assist in helping them. This  is slightly confusing and new to me because I've never dealt with a plant-like Cookie. This yellow one though, is also a weird one, her genetics are weird...my acupuncture isn't working on her, but this fire is seemingly working to warm them all up. The plant is not seeming any different though.

Dark Cacao: Soak her in a bath of coffee and sparkling water, she is a flower, and it will help her.

Uinyeo: Right away, sir.

Uinyeo Cookie picked White Lily Cookie up, and took her to a cauldron. She then poured warm sparkling water in it, along with coffee beans. She stirred around White Lily Cookie until both liquids had mixed.

Uinyeo: Done, sir. 

Dark Cacao: Good, now I'll go and check on Pure Vanilla Cookie.

He went over to Pure Vanilla Cookie, and looked at him. There was a feeling of disappointment, due to him telling Pure Vanilla Cookie that he shouldn't come here due to the harsh cold. He then looked at Timekeeper Cookie, wondering where she was from. Pure Vanilla Cookie woke up, noticing Dark Cacao Cookie looking at him. He smiled brightly at him.

Pure Vanilla: Dark Cacao Cookie, isn't this a warm welcome? So how are you?

Dark Cacao: Why are you here, I told you not to come around this area for your safety.

Pure Vanilla: I decided to tag along with White Lily Cookie-

Dark Cacao: I told her to never come here either for her safety too.

Pure Vanilla: Yes, but she wanted to see her friends again-actually, Timekeeper Cookie suggested it and took us here by rift. But at the outskirts...

Dark Cacao Cookie sighed. He looked at Timekeeper Cookie, now knowing her name, and able to guess her occupation. He looked back at Pure Vanilla Cookie, who was still smiling brightly.

Dark Cacao: Quit doing that.

Pure Vanilla: Doing what?

Dark Cacao: Smiling.

Pure Vanilla: What's wrong with smiling?

Dark Cacao: Because it looks weird. Along with smiles being something I dislike.

A Reoccurring Lapse in Judgement.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum