Chapter 8:Responsibility

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-3rd POV-

After the madness that took place in Washington, (Y/N) had been staying out of school. Favoring to hunt down the Riot Symbiote, and any other Symbiotes he and Carnage could find.

It was a long and taxing process that had many, many failures, and it was slowed down by the two having to stay out of Tony's notice, knowing he and by extension the government would intervene and take them off the case.

After that, they didn't want to imagine what the Human governments would do to the Symbiotes they captured.

Of course, that didn't stop the two from getting stuff done.

During a nice sunny day while Peter was out doing Spider-Man stuff, (Y/N) was walking through the streets of Queens in his Homemade suit.

The same one he had been wearing the night Peter discovered that (Y/N) had Carnage.

Of course, it drew some attention, but it was less attention then if he went out in regular clothes. They are public Superheroes after all.

"Carnage:Why are we attacking during the day? We won't be able to hide as easily then at night."

Now, if people saw (Y/N) just talking to himself about a Secret Superhero mission, then they'd get suspicious.

So, the teen had to improvise to get his point across to his other half.

"(Y/N):Because nobody expects a Surpise Party that early in the day."

"Carnage:Ah. That makes some sense. But I prefer nighttime raids, because the guards are easier to scare when they can't see us."

"(Y/N):Yeah, that's fair."

As (Y/N) was walking, he suddenly bumped into another teen with brown skin, causing him to trip and fall, spilling the contents of his bag across the sidewalk.

"(Y/N):Oh shit, sorry dude."

While the boy got to his feet, (Y/N) quickly helped gather his stuff and but it back into his backpack.

"Teen boy:Thanks man."

"(Y/N):Hey no problem. It was my fault anyway."

"Teen boy:Ah no, I wasn't watching where I was going."

As (Y/N) looked the boy up and down, he noticed a badge on his jacket, promoting a small event.

The promotion of Police Officer Jefferson Morales.

"(Y/N):Nice badge."

"Teen boy:Huh?"

(Y/N) pointed at the badge, which caused the boy to realise what he was talking about, and causing him to laugh.

"Teen boy:Oh, thanks man, he's actually my father. Name's Miles."

The boy named Miles Morales held out his hand towards (Y/N), who shook it before he began to walk backwards away from Miles.

"(Y/N):You can call me Wrench. Have a nice day."

"Miles:You too, dude."

With that, the two began properly walking away from each other as they went their separate ways.

Elsewhere, in a large underground basement, a group of three low-level thugs were guarding a small stash of weapons made from salvaged Chitauri tech and Ultron Bot Parts.

Meaning it was a stash for the same group Peter and (Y/N) had been dealing with recently.

As the three waited around, one was checking on the weapons, another was played on her phone, and the final was looking at a purple Symbiote trapped in a glass box while holding a lighter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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