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Taehyung POV:
I reached my office and started going to my office room while all the workers stood up and bowed to me. I polietly replied to their bows while making my way towards the cabin .
Someone entered beside me in the cabin i looked back to see my secretary

??: Good morning sir.

Tae: good morning and hobi hyung how many times i have to tell you not to call me sir just call me tae.

J hope: (chuckling a little) yeahh yeah ok tae so why are you late?

Tae: aab that because of jungkook

J hope: yeah yeah like always throw everything on that poor soul.

Tae: (widen eyes) poor huh from when did he became poor soul we are poor soul who get to suffer everyday.

J.hope: ok ok stop sulking and heres your schedule you have 5 back to back meetings today and the first will start in 10 min be ready.

Tae: (saluting) yess boss (chuckles)

J hope:😅

With kook during lunch break in cafeteria:

Kook POV:

Mingyu hyung and me were sitting on our usual spot when i remembered something

Kook: yah hyung why didn't you told me about the test earlier ? and you also didn't told about eunwoo going to busan ?

Mingyu: about eunwoo he already told us your dumbass just doesn't remember how is it my fault?

Kook: ok then why didn't you told about the test now because of you i would fail the test and hyung wont leave me this time 😭😭 (crying dramatically)

Mingyu: the test was given a week earlier i thought you would know how was i supposed to know that you dont know about the test?? and also day before yesterday i do remember telling you to focus on your studies its not my fault that you don't take things seriously!

Kook: (pouting)

Mingyu: stop with that pout you look like a duck.

Kook: hyyunggggg (whinning) taee hyung will kill mee savee mee plzz do you want this cute caring little friend of yours to die just because he failed a test?

Mingyu: stop talking nonsense nothing will happen.

Kook: yeah say the same thing at my funeral too

Mingyu: you are soo dead today kook 😂😂

Kook: aannnhaannn i knoww😭😭😭😭😭

Target: 4 votes
Hope you liked the episode next episode will be out soon take care of yourself and stay healthy!

Word count: 407

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