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Hello friends!

Welcome to Dramatic Child Stars. This book is an original adaptation I've been working on that is loosely based on the series I wrote "After the End." The premise is roughly the same, but the rest of the book and plot are shaping up to be very different. If you read the original series, then welcome back. I hope you find this interesting anyways. If not, then I'm happy to have you. I hope you love it too.

Please enjoy!

Disclaimers (I wouldn't skip these):

-This is an original work and all of the characters are original characters. Any similarities to real people are purely coincidental and not intentional in any way.

- My upload days are officially Saturdays. I will likely post more than that, but I will guarantee updates at least every Saturday. Scouts honor.

-I do heavy topics. Mentions of suicide, self harm, sexual abuse, general abuse, trauma, drugs, alcohol and addiction. I forget trigger warnings on individual chapters often. This is your only guaranteed trigger warning.

Let's see where this goes :)

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