With a sudden surge of determination, Maya unleashed a flurry of strikes, overpowering Nikolai's defenses. She channeled her raw strength, her lightsaber buzzing with energy. Nikolai fought valiantly, but eventually succumbed to Maya's relentless assault. The green blade of his lightsaber was knocked from his grasp, leaving him defenseless.

Maya deactivated her lightsaber, her chest heaving with exertion, and made her way to the weathered wooden stool that had been etched into the training floor through years of use. With a thirst that matched her fatigue, she grabbed her water bottle and took a deep gulp, savoring the cool liquid as it cascaded down her parched throat. The refreshing sensation invigorated her as she caught her breath, her body still tingling with the remnants of the intense duel.

She couldn't help but acknowledge Nikolai's skill as a fighter, even with the disadvantages of solely embracing the Light Side of the Force. Maya knew that her advantage lay in her ability to tap into the darker aspects of the Force, granting her a broader range of strategies that allowed her to seamlessly transition between offense and defense. She chuckled at Nikolai's haggard appearance as he struggled to regain his composure, a glare etched on his face.

"You asked for the fight. Don't get butthurt now," Maya teased, her voice laced with playful banter, as she relished her victory.

"Yeah, yeah," Nikolai retorted, rolling his eyes as he plopped down in the seat next to her. Exhaustion etched lines on his face as he leaned his head back against the cool stone wall, shutting his pale blue eyes. The weight of their intense training session settled on his weary shoulders.

In a low voice, he muttered, "How the hell did you beat me when you're fucking hungover? I purposely drank less to win at least once."

"I'm just that good, kid," Maya replied, her grin widening as she pressed the cool plastic bottle against her forehead, reveling in the temporary relief it provided. Her hangover had dulled throughout the day, but it didn't mean her head had fully recovered. The persistent ache served as a reminder of the indulgences of the previous night, mingled with the satisfaction of her victory.

As they sat together, catching their breath and allowing their bodies to recuperate, the camaraderie between Maya and Nikolai remained unshaken. Their shared passion for the Force and their willingness to embrace the moral gray areas of their world bound them together. With each training session, they continued to push each other to new heights, strengthening not only their skills but their friendship as well.

"What's up with you and Rhys?" Nikolai blurted out, catching Maya off guard. Her shoulders tensed, a reminder of their secret deal weighing on her, but she quickly forced herself to relax, not wanting the boy next to her to sense her unease. Less than twenty-four hours had passed, and already someone was questioning them. They clearly needed to improve their stealth skills. When Maya remained silent, Nikolai opened his eyes and gave her a suspicious look. Meeting his gaze, Maya found herself staring at him dumbfounded, realizing that if she wanted to keep their deal a secret, she needed to lie and play the part.

"Don't insult me like that ever again," Maya scoffed, dropping her head back against the wall out of exasperation rather than fatigue. Lying came naturally to her, and it proved useful. She only felt guilty when she had to deceive her mother and sometimes her father.

"It was just a question, firefly," Nikolai mocked, intentionally using the nickname Rhys had given her. A knowing smirk formed on his face as he watched Maya shut her eyes in frustration. He may have had a reputation for being reckless, but he wasn't oblivious. His teasing tone continued, "I could've sworn you walked out of the bathroom after Rhys at the party with hickeys on your neck—and I know for sure you didn't have them when you walked in."

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