[ N I N E T E E N ]

Start from the beginning

"We're running."

"You little shit.", the guys yelled.

The wind was hitting on Ayeong's face as the guy ran fast. To her, it felt like she was sitting in a car with the window open. He was fast. And on top of that, he jumped quite a lot here and there. Ayeong couldn't understand where they were going that the guy had to jump but she didn't question as she was enjoying the ride.

"Get them, right there.", one of the guys at the back yelled as they didn't stop chasing them.

"You can do it!", Ayeong cheered, giggling and her eyes barely open.

"Shut up and don't move.", the guy yelled at her, breathless as he ran.

After a few minutes, they lost them. The guy set Ayeong down on the bench of a bus stop.

"Wow, that was tiring.", Ayeong sighed as she hugged her knees and leaned her head back on the stand of the bus stop, closing her eyes.

"I'm the one who ran with you on my back and you're the one who's tired?", the guy sat down, also sighing as he catched his breath.

"We escaped, right?", Ayeong clapped and cheered. The guy gave her a judging side eye and looked at the night sky.

The sky was filled with many little stars which looked like diamonds. It was as if there was something that was keeping the sky from getting polluted. It felt nice. That very night felt nice. It was different from the others. And it wasn't long until the guy realized that, too, later on.

"Let's have a drink to celebrate victory.", Ayeong grabbed his arms, shaking it violently.

The guy furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance and jerked her hands away.

"Shut up! We're no friends and it was your fault we got in trouble. You shouldn't be drinking at a bar alone at this time!", he slightly raised his voice at her.

"How was it my fault?", Ayeong pouted.

"What is a girl like you doing at a bar so late at night? And so drunk, at that.", the guy looked away, rolling his eyes as a scoff escaped his mouth.

"Well, is it my fault that my life's messed up? I don't even have my own home.", she hugged her knees once again, pouting.

Her words caught the guy's attention.

"And you're being so mean to me, too. Everyone is a meanie.", she furrowed her eyebrows.

The guy got up, walking away leaving her alone.

A bus stopped in front of her but she didn't bother getting on it. She didn't want to go home anytime soon.

She looked at her left, finding a figure walking towards her. For a second, she was terrified, thinking it's a monster, but then she figured that it was no other than the same guy that ran with her or that ran with her on his back.

He had a plastic bag in his hand. He took something out of it handing it to Ayeong.

"Oh, thanks.", Ayeong smiled. She was happy because she got more alcohol, not because of the guy who brought it for her. Or maybe it was something else, who knows?

"Um.", Ayeong's face crinkled up due to the bitter taste of the alcohol. It tasted bitter but it felt good.

"Aren't you going to go home soon?", the guy asks, staring at his can.

"Home?", she took another big sip of the canned alcohol.

"Home.", he whispered to himself, staring at the can in his hands.

"Oh, that. I'll think about it.", she gazed at the sky.

"Why aren't you going home?", he averted his eyes from the can to the sky.

"I have problems. You see, I don't have a mother and my father's in jail. I have to live with my shitty aunt that loves to fuck around with me.", she pauses to take a sip.

The guy takes a bag of chips out of the same plastic bag. He opens it and hands it to her.

"Oh, wow.", she starts to snack on the chips.

"Plus, I have many assignments for college. I didn't really wanted to study more but I wanted to get a good job with a good pay so I can at least be away from my aunt.", she nods.

"But you know,...", she looks at the guy."...despite those problems, I think I have someone who is dearly caring about me. Though, I don't want to accept it. I'm scared. What can you do when your life is like that? Only trust yourself.", she pointed at him.

You might think that the guy would ignore each and every one of her words but that's wrong. In fact, he listened to each and every word. Since he could relate to those words, he felt weird. It felt weird to relate to other people. Strange.

"What's your name?", Ayeong smiles at him.



A/N: Ok wait nvm. I think i can manage writing chapters. Let me tell u abt my school schedule.

I'll come home at 2 and then I'll eat and go to sleep by 3 pm and then I'll wake up at 8 smthn and I can prolly manage an hour for writing, right? Meh. I'll try.

At first sight, 'til last breath [ Stray Kids | Bang Chan ] Where stories live. Discover now