Season 4 Chapter 84, Interlude 4 Astrea Familia

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Alise: Sora?

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Alise: Sora?

Sora: All of you stay on your guard!

The sudden transformation made the other Astrea Familia caught off guard. Sora immediately sent an order to make sure every member was on their guard. Never in his life as an adventurer had he ever heard the dungeon wail like that. The sudden eerie silence made him unease. And then it came. A loud crack. A deep, wide, long fissure ran down one of the massive crumbling walls. A strange purple liquid gushed from the vertical rift.

The opening breathed out scalding steam and something writhed out, as if it was crawling free of a womb

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The opening breathed out scalding steam and something writhed out, as if it was crawling free of a womb. Sora's eyes met the piercing crimson eyes nestled inside the fissure.

Sora: Noin look out!

The next moment, a fierce slash cut through the air, and Astrea Familia was split asunder.


Before anyone had realized, not even the adventurer themselves, the Hero had barely got in time to Intercept a deadly scythe on Noin's body. He raised both swords and redirected the right scythe's attack into the air.

Sora(mind): It's so heavy! Even in Berserk Raijin I barely able to redirect its attack

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Sora(mind): It's so heavy! Even in Berserk Raijin I barely able to redirect its attack.

But Sora didn't calculate the agility and the flexibility of the monster. The Skull Reaper's left scythe had already taken a life ended. The left scythe of destruction flashed mercilessly, and a girl's body was cut in half.

The Flash (Danmachi x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora