Start from the beginning

"Maybe you should take their advice." Gerard states.

"Nothing's wrong with Bree, she's fine, she's not unstable." Allison defensively argued.


That night, Serena Santiago was seen walking towards Sebastian Blackstone, a very serious expression on her face, whilst Sebastian had a smile on his face.

"Are you okay? What's with the serious look?" Sebastian asked confused, his hands resting on her face.

Serena then took her hands, touching his, moving them away from her face, making his eyes fall on her her in confusion, his hands hitting his sides.

"Re-." Sebastian was saying.

"Pause, that's what we need, we need to take a pause on this relationship, because i honestly can't deal with it right now." Serena states, lack of emotions in her eyes.

"What?" Sebastian whispered out in shock.

Serena didn't give him any further more answers, then girl turning away from, then walking away.

Sebastian frowned at Serena in confusion and hurt, not understanding where this was all coming from.

They were fine, few weeks ago, what happened now?

As Serena walked away, her long raven hair swayed to left and right, a evil smirk playing on her lips, her eyes twinkled with chaos.


At the Santiago's house, Sabrina was seen sitting on her porch stairs, her previously talking with someone.

The teen-witch turned her head to her right, turning to look at the person confused.

"And why should i care about one of Derek's little pet?" Sabrina scoffed.

"Because he's innocent and he doesn't deserve it." Scott stated.

"He may not deserve to be hunted by the Hunters, but, maybe...some people just want to belong, you know? They want to feel a little power, there's nothing wrong with feeling a little power, and it's not wrong if Isaac's willing to become like you." Sabrina shrugged, not quite seeing the wrong.

Sabrina then saw Scott just staring at her, making her confused.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?" Sabrina frowned.

"You sound just like him." Scott scoffed.

"Like who?" Sabrina asked confused.


Sabrina then scoffed. "No, i don't"

"Yeah, you do, that's the same thing Derek had said to me." Scott states.

Sabrina then sighed out, looking at him, going to say something, but then her dark orbs looked at something behind him.

Scott saw how Sabrina's eyes was filled with fear, her heart beat rising with terror as she looked at something behind him.

"What? What are you lo-." Scott was asking.

The McCall then turned around, cutting his self off, seeing a scaly looking creature.

Scott then stood up, staring at in shock, Sabrina following his actions.

A dazed look was on Sabrina's face, as she stood behind Scott, staring at the creature.

"What is that?" Sabrina whispered to Scott.

"I have no idea." Scott whispered back.

The creature's eyes were like a reptile ones, glowing golden with a green stripe in the middle, the eyes searching around for something, then snapping at the two supernatural creatures.

The creature then jumped on a wall, crawling up the wall, its claws digging onto the concrete.

The creature then jumped onto the roof, running on the roof, then jumping somewhere, escaping.



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