XXiii| Persuasion

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"That took a drastic tone change but okay."

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Make you mine

"Just a little bite

Are you dreamin'?"

"Mira, I think you should meet my family

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Mira, I think you should meet my family."


"No? What do you mean, no?"

"Lando, you might love me...but how much have you told them about me?"

Mira Atkinson wasn't stupid.

Mike and Luke had warned her that when she got into a relationship, sometimes people didn't tell their family the whole truth. They had warned her that people only saw what they were told or wanted to see.

She knew that a lot of people only saw stereotypes when she told them that she was autistic...or they took the opposite route and tried to convince her she possibly couldn't be because she wasn't 'like their four-year-old nephew'. It was easier to assume they were the reactions rather than assuming something good would happen and she'd be let down. Why would Lando's family be any exception?

"Mira, I've been honest with them and they have no problem with you," Lando assured. "They're more annoyed at me because I haven't taken you to meet them yet!"

"B-but just because they told you...doesn't mean—"

"Mimi, calm down," Lando slowly placed his hand on her shoulder and waited to make sure she didn't flinch away. "Hey, have I ever lied to you about anything serious?"

"No but—"

"My family don't lie either, we weren't raised that way," Lando continued. "They can't have a problem with someone they've never met and you're amazing, they'll love you."

Mira avoided looking at him and found interest in the ceiling instead.

"Mira," Lando kept a soft voice. "Come on, please?"

"Okay," She whispered. "You should probably have a proper introduction to my brothers. Mike's been wanting to kill you for ages."

Lando's eyes widened.

"That took a drastic tone change but okay."

"I mean it's true but he'd never do it," Mira replied, smiling sheepishly. "It's just a brother thing, isn't it?"

"I would be like that with my sisters," Lando agreed. "So...I'll speak to my parents and see when we can go visit. Just my parents, yeah? My siblings you can meet when they're around."

Mira knew that Lando had two sisters and a brother. She didn't really know much about any other them other than Florence, who was a horse rider — showjumper to be precise. 

The gamer didn't want to make a fool out of herself around his family and she dreaded them asking the question about her family. Mira had no issue telling people about her brothers but she hated trying to explain what it was like for her growing up.

"I'm not sure if it makes you feel better or not but my dad is super honest," Lando explained as he down next to Mira, throwing his arm over her shoulder. "Like if he has a problem with you, he would tell you outright. He doesn't do the whole keeping it to himself shit."

"It does make me feel a little better," Mira agreed.

Lando beamed at this.

"We can visit Luke tomorrow," Mira mumbled, resting her head on Lando's shoulder.

Lando wasn't going to ask when he was going to meet Mike, he was in no rush to meet the guy Mira claimed wanted to murder him.

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The third event of the pro-championship didn't go the way Mira wanted it to. For the most part, Red Bull got the lead on points and Jarno Opmeer dominated. Mira still did well and by the end of it, she was sitting in third.

Lando had sat watching all of Mira's racing but didn't say a word (just like she'd insisted). He had Loki on his lap the entire way through and would have sworn that the cat had been watching Mira too.

Mira was frustrated with her lack of win after years of being there but she knew she was safe with McLaren and her multi-year contract. She just had to be patient. Easier said than done.

Instead, Mira focused on the fact that it wasn't long until Christmas. She wasn't sure what she was going to do for Christmas because it was always different. Sometimes, she and Esme spent it together. Then other years, she was at her brother's. 

This year, she had been warned in advance that Luke was going over to Italy with Marco. Mike hadn't said anything about it because his work was trying to get him to go overseas. Esme hadn't mentioned it yet but she liked helping out at local charities during Christmas day. Mira just didn't want to be alone. Either way, she had time to plan, it was only November. 

Mira didn't like the feeling of knowing another year was about to be over. She really hoped 2021 wasn't as bad as 2020. At least she had her new friends and Lando now.

Then that leads to current events. Esme was trying to get 'cute' pictures of Mira in the McLaren Shadow merch. Well, the Mclaren photographer was but Esme was there for moral support.

"Okay Mira, look at the camera," Esme insisted.

"I am," Mira whined.

"So you're not. You're looking at me. Not the same thing," Esme replied.

"It's okay," The photographer, James assured. "Would it help if I gave you a specific place to look?"

Mira nodded and James kindly pointed to a specific part of the camera for Mira to look at. It seemed to work as Esme beamed at the photo; Mira worked better when she had specific instructions for her to follow.

"That's great," James praised. "How is the merch?"

"Soft," Mira grinned. "I'm trying to persuade them to make a bright blue one next year but they haven't budged."

"Keep trying," James winked. "Lando managed to persuade them to make hoodies and that worked out. Before him, they'd only have t-shirts and polos."

"True!" Mira nodded. "I shall do my best in persuasion."

"I'll try to talk to them," Esme chirped up. "I know people."

"You know a lot of people surprisingly," James replied, glancing at her. "Okay, Mira, you're done."

"Thank you," Mira sighed. "I hate having my picture taking."

"I know," Esme smiled. "But it's done now. We can go home."

"Home, how I love the place," Mira grinned.

"Home, how I love the place," Mira grinned

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

P.s. A lot of 2021 is going to be skipped so the book is caught up with my others :D 

Shadow → Lando Norris [Under Editing]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin