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2 days later

Mrs. Park POV

Finally y/n got discharge from the hospital yesterday night but the bad news is that she is still in coma well let's give a check on her. I went to y/n's room and saw that jimin was sleeping while sitting and his head was near y/n's hand and when I went near him I saw dried tears on his face so I kept my hand on jimin's head.

Mrs. Park: Jimin?

Jimin: ugh? Morning Mom!

Mrs. Park: morning dear! I'm sorry

Jimin: for what mom?

Mrs. park: for hitting you and yelling at you. I was extremely upset after looking at y/n's condition

Jimin: I know mom. I understand even I was upset after looking at her condition which was all happened because of me. They harmed y/n because of me.*started crying*

Mrs. Park: no jimin it's not because of you baby. It's okay we're here now and y/n is safe we will take care of her and bring her out of coma.

Jimin: I hope-

Door bell rings.

Mrs. Park: wait let me check.

Jimin: *nodded* okay mom

I went to open the door and I saw it was taehyung.

Mrs. Park: good morning sweetheart!!

Taehyung: good morning Mom! Where is y/n?

Mrs. Park: she is in the room you go jimin is there with her I will make breakfast for you all.

Taehyung: no mom it's fine.

Mrs. Park: shut up!! did you saw yourself in the mirror you are getting skinny and if you want to take care of y/n you have to eat properly and stay healthy then only you can take care of her.

Taehyung:  fine *sigh* I will just check her out.

Mrs. Park: okay.

Then he went to her room and I went to kitchen.

Taehyung's POV

I went to the room and saw that jimin was crying while holding her hand.

Taehyung: Jimin? why are you crying?

Jimin: oh hyung! nothing I just miss how she used to talk and smile all the time but now *tear left his eyes*

taehyung: I know Jimin but don't be sad I'm sure she will be fine soon. everyone's love will cure her and specially your love and care. you know sara and Jungkook canceled their marriage they said we will marry after y/n will recover because of her they were together again. 

Jimin: yeah I hope she will wake up soon.

Mrs. Park: she will but for now you guys need energy to take care of her. so have breakfast.

Jimin: I don't want it.

Taehyung: Jimin you have to eat even I don't want to eat but for y/n we have to eat so c'mon. 

Jimin: no hyung pls

Taehyung: Jimin pls for her

Jimin: *sigh* fine 

then they went to have breakfast.

author's POV

time skip after one week.

My Childhood Best friend ( Park Jimin FF) (Completed) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum