She'd never forget it

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Despite how she was raised, Ocean was never homophobic. She didn't know what she was herself though. She's in love with Constance, at least she was, but she'd never been in love with anyone else. She didn't want to say she was a lesbian, because she'd never been romantically attracted to anyone other than Constance, so she didn't actually know what she was...

Something she did know, was that she was asexual. She realized that last year googling on her computer at 2am. And then she cried. Not because she was sad about the discovery, but because the text at the bottom of the website she found had said "no matter what or who you are, always remember to be proud of yourself, and if anyone doesn't like it, cut them out of your life". The person that wrote that made it seem so easy, but what they didn't realize is that it isn't that easy to cut your parents out of your life, but it's easy for them to cut other people out of yours. she thought about Constance. Their kiss, only three days before she never saw her again. If she knew what would happen she would've never done it. She remembered it all too well...

They were sitting in Oceans living room, on their old purple couch. it was about 11.30, and they were listening to Taylor Swift together. "Soon she's gonna find, stealing other people's toys on the playground wont make you many friends" Constance sang loudly, and drew out the E a little too long and accidentally sang the next line too late. She looked so pretty that night. Not that she didn't always look pretty. "Okay, do you want me to do your eyeliner?" Ocean snapped back to reality, the girl she had been looking at was suddenly also looking at her. "What?". Constance laughed, not her usual loud laugh, but a very gentle one. Ocean watched her take the eyeliner off the table, take the little cap off, and lean towards her. With one hand, she held her face, and with the other one, she started doing her eyeliner. Ocean was trying to sit as still as possible, and she kept looking at Constance. She was the one that insisted that they should do eachother makeup, and Ocean wasn't about to say no to her, so she had already done Constance's eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow and lipstick. Ocean was okay at makeup, she'd never been the best, but it wasn't horrible to look at. And even if so, Constance could never be horrible to look at; Not even if she had garbage bags on instead of clothes. "Okay all done!!" Constance looked at her and smiled. "Do you also want me to do your eyeshadow?" Ocean didn't know what to say. She was about to say that they should probably start working on their english homework, because it was supposed to be done in two days, but that wasn't what she said. That wasn't what she did. Constance was looking directly into her eyes, confused as to why she wasn't responding, but before she could say anything, Ocean kissed her. It was impulsive and she wasn't thinking. She didn't even know if Constance liked girls, let alone liked her. Thinking back she wished she'd never done it, even if she loved it, because she did. She never wanted to pull away, and it was the happiest she'd felt in a long time, but that happiness was as quick to go as it was to come, because that's when her parents walked in. They'd been at a family friends house all night, and came home much earlier than Ocean was expecting.

Long story short, Constance got kicked out and sent home, and Ocean got sent to her room and got her phone taken away. The next morning, her mom came into her room to "talk". She said that her and her dad had decided that they should all move to a bigger city, for "more opportunitys" for Ocean. When Ocean got her phone back later that day, all the places she had Constance as a contact were gone. Constance's Snapchat? Gone. Constance's Instagram? Gone. Constance's phone number? Gone. Also all the pictures she had of her. they were all gone, and since she wasn't allowed to go outside of the house, and her parents always had an eye on her, there was no way to get in contact with her. Two days later, all their stuff was in the car and they were driving away to Toronto. That was the last time Ocean saw Uranium. She never even got a chance to tell Constance anything. Not even time to say goodbye.
(Also for the people that came here for starrypoet, you're gonna have to wait a couple of chapters bae, sorry :3 ) again, feel free to leave suggestions or critiques :)

Right people, wrong time. Right people, right time.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat