Chapter 4 (updated version)

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"Derek you sure you're, okay?" Mark asked, analysing him slightly.

"Yeah," Derek faked a smile, "Got to get ready for the party if we're planning on scoring all the hot chicks," He took a water bottle out of the fridge and went back into his room.

"Yeah...," Mark said. Derek felt his eyes follow him as he carried on like nothing happened.


Hours passed, Derek and Mark were ready to go out the door. He needs to get out of the apartment to forget about Meredith. It still bothered him. This woman was driving him nuts and he really hopes he doesn't cross paths with her. She didn't seem like the type who would go to a club, so he wasn't to worried about running into her.

"You really need to up your game today, you've been lacking recently," Mark slapped him on the shoulders.

"Please, I bet I can get more phone numbers then you," Derek rolled his eyes.

"Dream on Shepherd, dream on."

They walked into the club, showing their fake IDs and went straight up to the bar. The music was on full blast. Everyone already sweaty from dancing, some sitting in the booths.

"Scotch, single malt please," Derek placed his order and turned around to look at all the people dancing, "Thank you," he said to the bartender as the glass was placed beside him.

"Are you ready to lose?" Mark asked as they sipped on their drinks.

"No, because I know I'm going to win," Derek smirked.

"We'll see," he whispered and headed off.

Derek shook his head and chuckled. He eyed all the woman in the club but neither of them caught his attention. Not the way Meredith did. They were all wearing too much make up and hardly any clothes. Men gripping them left and right. He turned his head and saw a brunette sitting at the bar with a shot glass in her hands. He smiled and went up to her.

"Hey," he smiled at her, "This seat taken?" he asked.

"Yes, if you decide to occupy it," she flirted back.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Abby," she smiled back, "What's yours?"

"Derek," he smirked, taking a sip of his drink, "Are you from around here?"

"No, new to the place."

"Oh really? Well maybe I can...," he started saying when another woman caught his attention at the back. She was sitting there uncomfortable as she tried to push a man off her.

He squinted his eyes a little as he realised that was no other than Meredith. The same Meredith he called a bitch and told to get laid. Her dirty blonde hair lay perfectly as always. He would recognise her from anywhere.

Now, more than ever, he felt like an ass. This was not what he had in mind when he told her to get laid. She looked so miserable and helpless. He needed to do something. He can't just let that man harass her. He wouldn't wish that on his biggest enemy.

"Derek?" the woman in front of him- that he totally forgot about- called his name.

"I- sorry, I have to go," he hurried away, leaving her flabbergasted.

He walked closer to Meredith, starting to hear the conversation.

"No! Just please leave me alone," Meredith shrugged the stranger's hand off her.

"Come on baby. I know you want me," he whispered in her ear, making her almost throw up.

"I think she told you no. Scram!" Derek came up; his eyes narrowed together and a shade darker. His chiselled jaw was clenched together as he tried to hold himself back.

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