*SHORT* Chapter 16 - Names

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Kati - Ohhh, so thats what happened

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Kati - Ohhh, so thats what happened

Phil - Yeah..

Mary - Well~ since everyone is here, How about we introduce ourselves!

Phil - Sis but-

Mary - Nuh uh, I meant our 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙 name


"These are all made up

Del - "Deep breaths" Well! Im Gregorio  Harlika!
"Del said with a smile similar too America"

Kati - Kartin Mahar nice to meet you
"Kati said with a calming smile"

Phil - Im Philip Lika
"Phil said with a closed eye smile, internally hes dying inside"

Mary - And im Mary Lika!

Kati - Sooo. Where were you two for the last 2 weeks?

Mary - School
"Mary rolled her eyes at the mention of school"

Phil - To be more specific, Magic Institute Academy

Del - Jeez, arent yall older then the entire country? Whats the use off going too school again

Mary - Well we still forget how to do stuff like some countries forgot how too divide or whatever

Phil -  Well there is another reason

Mary - Hm? There is?

Phil - UN intended for this school too fix Broken relationship, and build new friendship. Its like in the past were nobles go too school to build more connection

Mary - Thats alot off words
"Mary said getting dizy by Phil explanation",

Kati - Here, have water
"Kati said giving water too Mary"

Mary - Thank you po

Del - Hmmmm, its like those manhwa were the MC goes too school

Mary - "GASP" You read manhwa too! Omg! Have you read-

Phil - Yeah, im going too my room

Kati - I'll go check on the clothes


Kati - Does anyone want milo-


Kati - Uh..

Phil - Help!

Mary - You cant escape us!

Del - Wahahaha

"What Kati saw was Del and Mary T posing and a crying Phil in the middle"

Phil - Dadddddddd!

Kati - Oh i forgot to check on the food silly me


This is Probably the shortest chapter i ever did💀

DO NOT READ! (Old Story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat