~2~ Care of Magical Creatures

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The first thing I heard when I entered the Great Hall the next morning, was Draco Malfoy yelling out, "Potter! The Dementors are coming! WoooOOOooOOo."

I narrowed my eyes at the Slytherin boy and left Oliver's side.

"Where are you-" Ollie began.

I strutted over to Malfoy and leaned down towards him. "Shut your mouth, child, before I shut it for you. Got it?"

"What's it to you, Finnigan?" he said angrily.

I leaned closer to him, narrowing my eyes and flaring my nose slightly, before I whispered dangerously, "I heard you nearly wet yourself on the train. I'll scare you that badly again if you don't shut your mouth. Got it?"

He leaned back, his eyes wide. "Alright, alright!"

I stood tall, and flicked my hair back over my shoulder as I walked back to the Gryffindor table.
I glanced up at the professors table, to see if any of them had noticed my little spat with Malfoy.
I caught Lupin's eye and my face twitched nervously, hoping I wasn't in trouble. Lupin, however, just smiled slightly and gestured his head towards my table, implying he wasn't going to get me in trouble. I smiled back and quickly sat down between Ollie and Percy.

"That was kind of hot!" George exclaimed, squeezing himself between Percy and I.

I snorted and put my hand on his face, pushing him away.

He held up his hands as he moved back to his seat.

Being best friends with Percy since first year, I had gone to the Burrow every single year and had become extremely close with all of the Weasley siblings, except for Bill and Charlie, but only because I've only seen them a handful of times. The twins were masters at trying to irritate me, but I never gave them the satisfaction of successfully pranking me. I was always one step ahead of them.

McGonagall walked down along our tables, handing us our timetables. To become an Auror, I only needed Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, and D.A.D.A. I was just taking Care for Magical Creatures as a fun elective.

"You're going to be with the third years for Care of Magical Creatures." McGonagall informed me.

"How come?" I asked, confused.

"Well, since no other seventh year is taking the class, Hagrid requested you join the third year class. The students in that year can be quite rowdy......" she trailed off. "Might be nice for him to have an older student to hopefully help."

I smiled at her as she walked away.

Ollie leaned over to look at my schedule. "Ah, we have all the same classes, except I'm not taking Magical Creatures."

Percy leaned over my other shoulder. "Same here."

I felt a sense of relief, glad that I'd have my two best friends to help me through my final year. Our first class was Potions, so after eating breakfast, we dragged ourselves down to the dungeons.

Snape swept through the room dramatically, as always, his robes billowing behind him. I stifled a laugh behind my hand.

"I'm glad to say, this is your final year and I won't have to see you all again." he said, eyeing the room.

"Nice to feel loved." I muttered to my friends. Ollie snorted and Percy shook his head disapprovingly. No matter how much he hated a professor, he would never talk badly about them. At least, not in the classroom.

"Most  of you will do fine in your N.E.W.T exams." he looked at a few people, including me and Percy. We grinned at each other.

"And some others.... will not." he looked at the rest of the class, including Oliver.

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