Chapter 79 Testing Ability

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 Fifteen million for the three of them, Meng Jiangtian frowned slightly. This number sounds a bit astronomical.

If you kill zombies to get crystal nuclei, you need 1,500 crystal nuclei.

Killing 1,500 zombies was not difficult with Meng Jiangtian's strength.

But zombies, like human beings, are very few with crystal nuclei after awakening. If you want to gather 1,500 crystal nuclei, you have to kill at least tens of thousands of zombies.

And if Meng Jiangtian had fifteen hundred crystal nuclei, he would be invincible if he ate them all. There's no need to take a helicopter home, I just flew back by myself.

"Don't think that 15 million sounds like a lot. If you are willing to work hard, you can earn it in a short time. There are still

too few soil-type, wood-type, and water-type superpowers in the safe zone. The food grown is basically It's not enough to eat, and the survivors are being rescued again and again, so the food is even less.

In fact, there are still many supermarkets outside that have not been searched. If you can find the food, the contribution value will not be low.

I read the records, When they found you, you seemed to still have a lot of food. Did you find it all?" Liu Shenghui asked Meng Jiangtian.

"Yes." Meng Jiangtian nodded.

"Although they are all distributed to the survivors, every time a survivor is rescued, we will give them a meal for free.

Since they ate your food, then the food is considered to be distributed to them by you on behalf of the safe zone." The free food.

The contribution value will be counted on your head, Zhou Yao, after a while you can calculate the contribution value according to the record above, and save it on the contribution card of classmate Meng Jiangtian." "Yes.


Mr. Bai secretly looked at the general's expression. He wrote in his notebook that Meng Jiangtian deliberately ignored the food and starved the survivors.

The general should have seen it, but he didn't say it. Mr. Bai couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. If the two could fight, he might be able to benefit from it.

"I took a look, and the food you share can have almost 500 contribution points. Let's go, I'll take you to apply for ID cards, and visit the safe area by the way." Liu Shenghui got up, and before he took a few steps, the satellite phone

rang It rang.

Liu Shenghui went to the side to connect, hung up the phone after talking for a while, and said to everyone: "I have something to do temporarily, Bai Zhenxiong, take them to visit the safe area." "Okay." Mr. Bai led everyone to leave and went to the


floor , Bai Zhenxiong said to a few people: "I will take you to test the power level, and then apply for an identity card. The identity card

is an ID card, and it can also be used as a bank card. You must keep it safe, and make it up in time if you lose it.

If it is a password Leaked, the contribution value in it was stolen, and we will help if we can catch the stolen brush. If you can't catch it, you have to understand.

After all, it is not the end of the world, and we can't catch some cyber crimes. "

Bai Zhenxiong led A few people came to a room on the first floor.

There are only a few strangely shaped machines in the room, like a large thermometer.

A thick mercury tube went straight to the roof, and the numbers, from 1 to 10, were engraved on the side of the tube. At the bottom of the tube is a large red leather ball.

"This is the instrument for testing abilities. As long as you attack the ball at the bottom with all your strength, the mercury in the tube will be kicked up. Your ability level will be equal to the level of mercury. Who will try it first?" Bai Zhenxiong

introduced , looking at Meng Jiangtian. He really wanted to know what level Meng Jiangtian was.

Everyone also looked at Meng Jiangtian.

Meng Jiangtian walked to the instrument, and there was a buzzing sound. The staff next to him turned on the instrument, and the originally dim red ball gradually filled and shone.

"Just aim at it and attack it. Don't hit it anywhere else. If you break it, you will have to pay for it." The staff introduced a sentence and moved away.

Meng Jiangtian was dragging a cloud of wind in the palm of his hand, and he was considering whether to use all his strength. It's not good to be too prominent sometimes.

Glancing at Cui Xisheng, those big eyes were looking at him expectantly.

This little wild cat is too attractive now, and he seems to have a lot of rivals in love, so why not take this opportunity to show off his force and frighten his rivals.

Meng Jiangtian hesitated for a while, the wheal in his hand grew bigger and bigger, and finally hit the red ball with all his strength.

If you want to hit the bird with a gun, it depends on whether the gun can move the bird.

The red ball was hit, and there was a loud bang. The red ball exploded, and the mercury in the tube quickly expanded a little.

Finally stopped at the data of 3.8.

Bai Zhenxiong's eyes widened, and he swallowed hard.

Liu Shenghui's level was only 3.2, the highest level in the entire safety zone. That's why he stood out among the former leaders and became the new manager of the safety zone.

In the last days, strength is the most important thing. If Meng Jiangtian had any ideas and fought with Liu Shenghui, he still didn't know who would win. It is estimated that this safe zone is likely to change hands.

Zhao Huanrui and the president of the student council didn't have much concept of rank, and they were not as shocked as Bai Zhenxiong.

Knowing Meng Jiangtian's level, the student council president is eager to try. He wanted to know how far he was from Meng Jiangtian.

The staff replaced it with a new red ball, which was actually a one-off.

Pressing the switch, the ball was filled again, and the student president threw a ball of water on the ball, but the ball just cracked, and it didn't explode like Meng Jiangtian's.

The student council president's heart sank immediately, and the mercury rose rapidly, finally stopping at 1.8.

With a difference of two numbers, the student council president's mentality collapsed.

Meng Jiangtian glanced at the student council president indifferently. He was not aggressive, but extremely insulting.

The student council president's small face suddenly turned pale.

"It's almost level two, which is very good. Ninety percent of the supernatural beings who came to the safe zone are just in the first level, and there are still less than level one. The

level of the two of you is already surprising. I have to suspect that you are It's not that you met an adventure together, otherwise your abilities are higher than others."

The atmosphere was not right, Bai Zhenxiong praised with a foolish smile, but unfortunately, neither of the two praised people smiled at all.

Bai Zhenxiong smiled awkwardly for a while, looked at Zhao Huanrui and changed the subject: "You should also take a test, I am looking forward to your level."

Zhao Huanrui stepped forward eagerly, hitting the ball with all his abilities. The bang was dull, and the ball trembled a few times before returning to its original shape.

Mercury wobbled up, wobbled around 1 twice, and fell to 0.9 amidst all the attention.

This time the atmosphere was really awkward. The corners of Bai Zhenxiong's mouth were stiff, and he couldn't even smile awkwardly.

Just the three supernatural beings, who lived in the same place for seven days, and everyone else has become a dragon and phoenix, why did a mouse get mixed in.

"Hey, um, let's go out and get an ID card." Bai Zhenxiong coughed dryly and led everyone out of the testing room.

Zhao Huanrui walked last, downcast.

With Bai Zhenxiong leading them, five people joined the team without quality, and the five ID cards were quickly processed.

The points of the three supernatural beings are silver, while Cui Xisheng and Liu Anna's points are green.

Bai Zhenxiong watched Meng Jiangtian fiddle with his identity card, and said: "Your food can be exchanged for 500 contribution points, and it's all on this card. With this card, you can go to the store outside to buy things. There is the


hall , If you want to make money, you can go there to pick up the task. Over there is the trading window, if you want to sell crystal nuclei and food, you can go there. It's

almost lunch time, you probably haven't eaten yet. I'll take you to the restaurant. The food there is It was planted by the supernatural beings."

Bai Zhenxiong suddenly looked at the decadent Zhao Huanrui, and asked, "You are an earth-type supernatural being. The farm is in urgent need of soil, wood and water supernatural beings. If you don't want

to If you go to the wild, you can go to the farm to see, they will definitely welcome you. And the salary of the supernatural beings on the farm is not low." "

Really? How much is the salary?" Zhao Huanrui immediately became energetic.

He can make money without going to the wild to face zombies, and he doesn't want to be rich, as long as he can support himself.

He can live on his own, and he doesn't have to find a backer. It was too shocking to be around these monsters.

"According to the level, the minimum contribution value is 30,000 a month. Although it's not a lot, it's enough to save some money. And

you don't need to spend money to eat on the farm, you grow it yourself and eat it yourself. The food is exquisite now. It's expensive. If you want to have a full meal, you can't spend three to fifty thousand.

Use more abilities, and you can quickly increase the level of abilities.

You can practice and eat fresh meals. Those of us who can't farm the land Those who are able, are envious of those who can work on the farm."

Bai Zhenxiong said the truth, he really envied the people who can work on the farm. Fresh fruits and vegetables.

It's a pity that he is of the gold system, and the supernatural power goes down to the ground, and the fruits and vegetables he grows have exceeded the standard for heavy metals.

"Where is the farm? I want to try it now." Bai Zhenxiong's words gave Zhao Huanrui confidence again. I don't want to eat anymore, and I want to go to work on the farm immediately.

"Don't worry, go to eat first, and I'll send you to the farm after dinner. Even if you don't go, the farm will come to you when it knows that an earth-type supernatural power is coming." "Don't eat,

I I want to go now, you can send me there now." Zhao Huanrui shook his head, extremely impatient.

"That's fine." Bai Zhenxiong had no choice but to call someone to send Zhao Huanrui away.

Zhao Huanrui got into the car, and Bai Zhenxiong looked at the president of the student council and said, "You are from the water department, do you want to go to the farm too? They must be very happy that you have such a high level."

In the car, Zhao Huanrui's happy smile froze instantly.

"No, I don't like doing farm work." The student council president resolutely refused.

He is ambitious, how could he grow vegetables.

Zhao Huanrui in the car let out a long sigh of relief.

The student council president sneered disdainfully when he saw Zhao Huanrui's little gesture. He'll take revenge on the fool for betraying him, but won't waste too much time on him.

"Mr. Bai, I want to ask you about someone." Once Zhao Huanrui left, the student council president didn't want to stay alone to see Meng Jiangtian's face.


"Li Yanguang, he is my brother, he used to be a soldier."

[The author has something to say: Thank you for the reward of a trilobite]

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