Chapter 51 Healing Ability

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Meng Jiangtian left a lot of food, barely enough for a hundred people, and the sound of more than a hundred people tearing the packaging bags was quite loud, but Cui Xisheng was very disturbed when he heard it.

Zhao Jiake saw that Cui Xisheng frowned, his face was not very good-looking, he thought hard and comforted him: "Let's share the food. Meng Jiangtian should be back soon. When he comes back, he will have food again. He will also help you out

. In a tone. That Liu Anna looks like a sensible girl, but I didn't expect her to be a fool. Do

n't worry, Meng Jiangtian is for you. When he comes back, I will definitely tell him about Liu Anna's nasty things."

"Don't talk nonsense. That's Meng Jiangtian's girlfriend. If you want to sue, you have to check her identity. Don't sue. If Meng Jiangtian reprimands you, I can't save you." "What girlfriend,

I Seeing that Meng Jiangtian doesn't like her at all, it's all because of her self-indulgence." Zhao Jiake didn't care, and complained disdainfully.

Seeing Cui Xisheng's expression, Zhao Jiake asked tentatively again: "Cui Xisheng, is that the relationship between you and Meng Jiangtian?" Cui Xisheng

froze, glanced at Zhao Jiake, and then shifted his gaze in silence.

Was it because he was too obvious, or did Meng Jiangtian miss the point?

Seeing that Cui Xisheng was not as disgusted with this question as before, Zhao Jiake's spirit of gossip was blazing, and he continued: "Compared to Liu Anna, Meng Jiangtian's attitude towards you is more like that of a girlfriend. On the day when the end of the world began, I

watched When Meng Jiangtian awakened his power, the wind blade swung the zombie and it was cut in half.

At that time, he was protecting Liu Anna in the classroom and fighting a bloody path through the pile of zombies. We normal people followed him To run out of the teaching building.

After leaving the building, he took Liu Anna to the top of the building, and I thought he and Liu Anna were a couple at the time.

But he put Liu Anna down and ran away, and it didn't take long before he rescued you. You didn't see at that time, the look on his face that he treasured you, I knew that the relationship between the two of you was unusual.

You two can really hide, Meng Jiangtian can be regarded as a man of the hour in our university, but I have never heard of him having a relationship. "

It's right if you haven't heard of it, because I didn't fall in love with him at all, and what you see is also an illusion."

Liu Anna is the girlfriend he admitted. If you want to follow Meng Jiangtian, don't be wrong and don't spend too much time on me. Cui

Xisheng always remembers in his mind the day they broke up, Meng Jiangtian coldly said the word "friend with guns". He

really deserves a beating!

The impression is too deep, the more he thinks about it, the more angry he is. He doesn't believe a word of Zhao Jiake's words.

Zhao Jiake Seeing that Cui Xisheng was getting more and more angry, he didn't talk about it wisely. But he didn't believe what Cui Xisheng said.

Meng Jiangtian didn't hide it at all. He obviously loved Cui Xisheng's baby. If he really went to help Liu Anna, That's the wrong person.

The night came as expected, and the roar of the zombies downstairs kept coming and going. It's been a week since the end of the world, and the living people have hidden everything they can. The

zombies downstairs have no food source, and they have recently begun to fight among themselves , screaming loudly and cannibalizing each other every night.

Standing on the roof of the building, Meng Jiangtian watched the zombies fighting each other downstairs. Occasionally, crystal nuclei rolled out of the stinking pile of flesh and blood, and the next second they were killed by the zombies. Stepped in.

In the past two days and two nights, he didn't know how many zombies he had killed, and he didn't have time to pick up the crystal nuclei, so there were probably quite a few.

After killing for so long, the violent supernatural energy in his body has also disappeared a lot. It used to be consumed once in half an hour, but now it can last up to an hour.

Meng Jiangtian thought about taking the food on the roof back, but the one-hour journey back and forth was a bit reluctant, so Meng Jiangtian gave up.

Half an hour had passed since the last killing, and the supernatural powers in the body had recovered in half an hour. After another half hour, they couldn't hold on anymore and had to kill zombies.

Meng Jiangtian frowned, the constant killing of zombies made him a little annoyed. He wanted to see Tracy Sheng very much now, holding him in his arms, the warm and soft feeling was much better than these rotting zombies.

Meng Jiangtian looked at the zombies downstairs, and the more he watched, the more annoying he became, the wind blade was thrown out like money, and some zombies in the zombie group fell down blankly. Now it is one point to consume a little power.

Meng Jiangtian swung the wind blade at the group of zombies, and suddenly found a lonely zombie squatting between the two buildings opposite, calmly playing with his broken arm.

That must be a zombie. Meng Jiangtian squinted his eyes, staring at the creature by the light of the full moon.

The reason why Meng Jiangtian couldn't confirm what it was was because this zombie was different from ordinary zombies.

His whole body is also rotten and smelly flesh and blood, but his face looks like an ordinary human being. Under the moonlight, Meng Jiangtian could see what this person looked like.

A very handsome little boy, not very old, probably only fifteen or sixteen years old, but it is a pity that he met the end of the world and died at the young age.

Although the boy's face was normal, his eyes were as gray as zombies.

Gray eyes looked at his arm, the flesh and blood on his arm continued to return to the appearance of a normal human being, and was rapidly rotting due to the zombie virus.

The little zombie seemed to find this kind of constant recovery and decay very interesting, squatting alone in the alley of the two buildings and having fun.

Meng Jiangtian observed for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up. Has this little zombie awakened a special ability?

What type of ability should be able to restore the body, healing ability?

This kind of ability should be very rare. If you can recover your injuries anytime and anywhere, this kind of ability may be your second life in the last days.

I just don't know if this ability can clear up the zombie virus after a normal person is bitten by a zombie. If it can, it is really a life-saving skill.

However, looking at the situation of the little zombie, it seems that this healing ability cannot eliminate the zombie virus, but it is enough to restore the injury.

Meng Jiangtian was determined to obtain the crystal nucleus of the little zombie, the wind blade passed by silently, the little zombie's head tilted, and he quietly passed away.

But the fresh blood near the little zombie's head attracted the attention of nearby zombies.

Zombies prefer fresh blood to their stinking blood. They simply abandoned their stinky counterparts and ran towards the little zombie with clumsy legs.

Naturally, Meng Jiangtian would not give them a chance to take away the head of the fresh little zombie. The space system teleported to the little zombie continuously, Meng Jiangtian picked up the little zombie's head, and flew back to the roof in a gust of wind.

Fresh flesh and blood attracted the zombies to the downstairs, but unfortunately they would not open the door to enter the building without wisdom.

Meng Jiangtian cut open the little zombie's head with a wind blade, and a round white crystal nucleus the size of a mung bean was dug out.

Without the energy support of the crystal nucleus, the little zombie's head quickly rotted and became a real zombie head.

Meng Jiangtian casually threw away the head of the little zombie, and it landed on a zombie downstairs. The zombie's rotten arm was directly broken by the falling head of the little zombie.

The zombie who had suffered an indiscriminate disaster ignored his broken arm, glanced at the head of the little zombie that had been cut in half, turned his head away in disgust.

He's had enough of his stinking kind, and he's leaving to find fresh flesh.

Meng Jiangtian's hands were covered with blood, holding the blood-stained white crystal nucleus, a stream of water condensed in the palm, washing the blood on the palm and the crystal nucleus.

Meng Jiangtian ate five wood-type crystal nuclei, awakened wood-type abilities, and couldn't help but greedily ate another three water-type crystal nuclei.

It was also these three water system crystal nuclei that made him almost lose control and explode to death.

But it is worth it to survive. Water is the source of life. With the water system, there is no need to worry about running out of water in the future.

Now that he has successfully merged the wood and water abilities, as long as he devours another earth crystal nucleus and matches it with the wood and water, Meng Jiangtian has already planned to find a piece of land to grow his own food in the future.

After cleaning the crystal nucleus, Meng Jiangtian took it into his own space. He now has too many abilities and can no longer devour the crystal nucleus. Find time in the future and swallow it with the soil system.

For human beings, the earth has entered the end times. But for the earth itself, how the creatures on it do not affect its rotation.

The sun rises and sets, and the earth continues to function. As the night passed, the sun showed its face and warmed the earth.

Cui Xisheng sat on the cushion, leaning against the wall, feeling hungry for the first time. Although there was no food, Qi Tianshan was arranged by the student council president to protect Cui Xisheng.

The student council president and Zhao Huanrui went out to look for food again. Without Cui Xisheng's food pockets, the two of them had to find food to bring back today.

It took another day for the two of them to leave, and Cui Xisheng was also hungry all day, looking straight at the sky, hoping that Meng Jiangtian would come back.

Although Meng Jiangtian is a scumbag and an old hooligan, in the last days, Cui Xisheng had to admit that he had to rely on Meng Jiangtian to survive.

With Meng Jiangtian by his side, no matter how much he resented Meng Jiangtian, he would feel full of security. Now hungry and worried, Tracy sniffled, and felt a little weird about that old-fashioned criticism.

My stomach hurts. I don't know if it's because I'm hungry or the baby in my stomach is making noise. Cui Xisheng gently touched his stomach, trying to comfort the baby to be quiet.

It's a pity that this kid deserves a beating just like his father, the more Cui Xisheng stroked him, the more his stomach hurts. The pain made Cui Xisheng flustered, and the child should not be in trouble.

The sun was almost setting, and the two supernatural beings hadn't come back. If they didn't come back so late, they probably wouldn't be able to bring food back.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao came back, and Cui Xisheng was thinking about the student council president and Zhao Huanrui in his heart, and the two came back with tired faces, no accidents, and came back empty-handed.

When the crowd saw the two people, there was some movement, and when they saw the two people returning empty-handed, they fell silent again.

"Those two came back empty-handed. They snatched your food yesterday. Let me see what they feed those people today.

Without Meng Jiangtian, the two of them would not be able to bring back any food. There is also a gap between people with supernatural powers." Zhao Jiake Leaning close to Cui Xisheng's ear, he said disdainfully. The voice was so small that Qi Tianshan could not hear it.

[The author has something to say: Thanks to Jin Yun for 1 recommendation ticket,

thanks to Yanyan's Mu Mu for 7 recommendation tickets

, thanks to CN11 recommendation tickets, 1 coral fossil, 2 monthly tickets,

thanks to savagey for 11 recommendation tickets

Thanks to the girl Xu Bicheng for 15 recommendation tickets and 3 monthly tickets. Thanks to a salted fish who

doesn't want to stand up . 1 recommendation ticket. Thanks to

user xt8biged. Thanks to the old color batch Sakai Yudie for 1 recommendation ticket, thanks to Violent Rabbit for 5 recommendation tickets]

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