The Truth

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"Team One, Suit up," Kira, a skinny girl with mediun lenth blonde hair pulled into a sleek pony tail says as the alarm blares.

"A patient at Josephs Mental Institution was kidnapped," she says as we run down to the trucks.

"Who was the patient?" Ed asks.

"A Jessica Stanford," Kira replies.

"Spike," Sarge says and Spike smiles.

"Already on it," He says from the passenger seat. I've been here about two weeks, and I love it. Although they haven't pranked me like the guys on Team Two did when I first showed up. We arrive at the institution and head inside.

"I'm Sergeant Greg Parker with the SRU," Sarge says to a woman who seemed to be waiting for us.

"I'm Stephanie Wilson, I run this place," Says a woman about 5'3", has short black hair in a semi-fancy up-do, and wearing a pantsuit.

"Does Jessica get any visitors?" Sarge asked.

"Yeah, two or three," she replies.

"Great, we're gonna need those names. Spike?" Sarge says.

"I'm in the truck and waiting," Spike replies.

"Okay, we have an Abigail Stevenson, Tyler Johnson, and Mary Stanford," Ed says looking at a visitors book.

"Got it, I'll send you the addresses, " Spike says.

"Okay, Sam go to Tylers, Jules you go to Abigails, and Lil you've got Mary," Ed orders.

"Copy," we say and head to the SUV's, Sam in Jules in one, me in another.

"Spike, do we have the addresses?" Sam asks.

"On your phones," Spike replies. I get out my phone, and head towards Mary's.

"Spike any intel on our subject?" Sarge asks.

"Jessica was involved in a car wreck, which caused her to have long term brain damage, stuttering, epilepsy. The ones involved were Tyler Johnson, and Nathan Jacobs. They were leaving a party, all reportedly drunk, when Nathan swerved off the road, hit a tree, and died. Tyler had a couple broken ribs, and Jessica, well you know the rest," Spike informs us. I reach the house, and get out. I walk up to the door and knock. No answer, so I knock again.

"This is Lillian Carson with the Police Strategic Response Unit, is anyone home?" I ask, I try the handle and the door swings open.

"What's going on Lillian?" Sarge asks.

"The door was unlocked, and her house is trashed," I say walking in further. I turn a corner and see a woman, mid fourties, laying on the ground.

"Kira, I need EMS at 267 Leslie Street," I say tieing a strip of cloth around the wound on her leg, and apply pressure to her shoulder.

"What's happening over there?" Ed asks.

"Mary Stanford has two puncture wounds, one to the lower thigh, and another in her right shoulder," I reply as the paramedics enter the room, and start an IV.

"Tylers not home, heading back towards you Ed," Sam says.

"Keep searching the house, Jules are you finished at Abigails?" Sarge asks.

"Yeah," Jules replies.

"Go meet Mary at the hospital," Sarge says.

"Copy that," Jules says and I search the house. I look and find hidden video cameras throughout the house.

"Hey boss, I found hidden video cameras in the house," I say looking for a video feed.

"Is there a video feed somewhere?" Spike asks.

"I don't," I start to say, but cut myself off when I notice a Laptop on the bedside table.

"Lil?" Spike asks.

"I'm bringing you a laptop," I say grabbing it, and running to the truck. I reach mobile command, and go inside.

"I brought you a gift," I say jokingly.

"Awe, you shouldn't have," Spike replies and we laugh. His laugh, and his dimples..I can't even explain.

"It looks like Tyler and Mary were arguing about Jessica when he stabbed her, doesn't seem like he was too happy," Spike says watching a video.

"Spike, look up," Ed says but Spike cut him off.

"After the accident he got addicted to his pain medication, then turned to stronger drugs, meth, coke, you know the drill," Spike says earning a laugh from Ed.

"Thanks Spike," Sarge says.

"Mary says the only place she know Tyler would take Jessica is the baseball field on third," Jules says.

"Lets go," Ed says and we all head to the field.


We show up at the baseball field, and see Sam talking to Tyler.

"I just want her to know the truth, " Tyler says waving his gun.

"Tyler calm down, and lower your weapon," Sam says.

"Lillian, go behind Tyler and cover Sam," Ed says.

"Copy," Lil replies, and backs up. I keep Tyler in my sights, and soon I see Lil behind Tyler.

"I've got the solution," She says. I'm not gonna lie, I like her.

"Okay, Tyler you want Jessica to know the truth, right? The truth about what?" Sam asks.


I had Tyler in my sights as Sam tried to talk him down.

"About the night of the accident. Me, Jess, and Nate were out at a party. We were all drunk, and Nate wanted to drive us home. We argued about it, and I ended up driving. Not Nate," Tyler explains.

"Okay, but what do you want Jessica to know?" Sam questions.

"I was driving! I killed Nathan, and I almost killed you! That's why I got mad at your mom. She said I couldn't see you anymore," Tyler says looking at Jessica.

"It's okay, I-it wasn't yo-your fault," Jessica stutters placing a shaky hand on Tylers cheek.

"Yes it was, it still is!" Tyler shouts pointing the gun at himself.

"Tyler, this is not the way you want to go. Not in front of Jessica, you care about her, I can see that. So put down the gun," Sam says trying to reason with Tyler. Then Tyler points the gun at Sam, and I shoot.

"T-Tyler!" Jessica screams falling to where Tyler lay motionless on the ground. I killed him, sure I've taken lethal shots before, but it still bothers me. I hear muffled talking over the headsets, and I made my way to the truck. Then I turned off my comms.

"You okay?" Spike asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply keeping my eyes focused on the road.

"You sure?" Spike asks and I snapped.

"I said I was fine!" I say harshly, them immediatly feel bad.

"Sorry," I mumbled my apology, but loud enough to where he can hear me. He gives my sholder a reassuring squeeze, then I go into the interrogation room.
I walked out of the locker room with my duffle bag on my sholder, and see everyone standing there.
"How was it?" Jules asked.

"Same old, same old," I reply. I look at Sam and we exchange nods of 'thanks' and 'welcome'.

"Okay, so I have something to tell everyone," Sarge says and we all look at him.

"Wordy will no longer be working with us. Instead he is going to be joining Guns and Gangs as their boss," Sarge informas us (He doesn't want them to know about his Parkinsons). We all met up at The Goose, and talk. On the way home I kept thinking about Spike. There was no doubt that I had a major crush on him, but in the back of my mind I knew today would haunt me for a while.

It Was Always You (FLASHPOINT/Spike love story) *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now