Chapter 12 Mutations

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Hao Ren hurried out the door. The moment he opened the door, Cui Xisheng heard a shrill roar outside.

The more I thought about it, the more frightening I felt. Tracy got out of bed, pushed the drip stand, walked to the door, and locked the door behind me, feeling more at ease.

Cui Xisheng didn't dare to go back to sleep even if he had to pull out his IV drip. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the gossip news. Today's hot searches are a bit different. The previous dozen or so hot searches all said the same thing.

A new virus is spreading around the world. People infected with the virus will weaken at an extremely fast speed, and finally the cells of the whole body will die quickly, and the body will rot and die.

There are a few photos on the Internet, Cui Xisheng glanced at them curiously, and was immediately disgusted by the rotting flesh and blood.

A feeling of nausea welled up in his throat, Cui Xisheng hurriedly covered his mouth, pulled the drip stand and rushed into the bathroom, another burst of crazily vomiting.

Cui Xisheng lay down on the sink panting heavily until he felt his stomach convulsed from vomiting.

The drip needle was crooked due to violent vomiting, and the blood flowed back into the needle tube. Cui Xisheng simply pulled out the drip. He is very tired now and wants to take a nap. He has no time to wait for the nutrient solution to finish.

Leaning on the wall and coming out of the bathroom, the noise outside the door seemed to be much louder. Cui Xisheng listened carefully for a while, and this time, apart from the screams of those patients, there seemed to be normal people's terrified screams.

Cui Xisheng looked out from the peephole on the door. The entire fifth floor was occupied by VIP wards, with few people and not many medical staff, and there was no one in the corridor.

Cui Xisheng hesitated for a while, then opened the door and probed out to check the situation.

The door opened, and the chaotic voice came over more clearly. 505 was the penultimate room at the end of the corridor. There was no one in the whole corridor, but Cui Xisheng heard the mournful cries from the ward 502 opposite.

There seemed to be a fight in room 502. Apart from cries and roars, there were also the sound of ping-pong-pong smashing things.

Cui Xisheng didn't want to cause trouble, and was about to close the door, but the door of room 502 was suddenly opened, and a middle-aged woman covered in blood ran out in panic.

Seeing Cui Xisheng on the opposite side, the middle-aged woman seemed to see hope, and ran towards Cui Xisheng, spitting blood and calling for help, "Help me, save me!" The corridor is not wide, less than three

meters In the distance, the middle-aged woman rushed over in two steps, grabbing Cui Xisheng tightly with bloody hands.

"Roar!" Cui Xisheng was startled by the middle-aged woman and stayed where he was, and when he was stunned, another person rushed out of room 502.

The ashen face, the rotting body, and the stench coming straight to the tip of the nose are exactly the same as the pictures of patients infected with the virus on the Internet.

The weird man with uncoordinated limbs chased him out, stumbling around and grabbed the middle-aged woman.

"Come into the house." The middle-aged woman panicked, cried and pushed Cui Xisheng violently, causing Cui Xisheng to stagger and fall to the ground.

With a pain in his butt, Trish subconsciously hugged his stomach.

The middle-aged woman followed into the room, closed the door vigorously, and locked the door neatly.

The strange man outside the door was lying on the door, screaming and scratching the door, and he didn't know what to use to scratch it. The steel ward door creaked when it was scratched.

The ear-piercing grinding sound stimulated my head to ache. His stomach also twitched, and Cui Xisheng felt a slight pain in his stomach.

Rubbing his stomach, Cui Xisheng struggled to stand up, wanting to call Hao Ren. The middle-aged woman jumped over him and knocked him back to the ground.

[The author has something to say: Thanks to Lu Cang, book friend 16150438484856 for the recommendation ticket,

thanks to Mo Xiang's little wife for a recommendation ticket, two monthly tickets, and two Nautilus rewards.

Thank you babies for your support from thousands of miles away, I am so touched, yingying]

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