It was a flyer from one of those small, local theaters, announcing an open casting call for Heathers: the Musical.

Addie had never done theater, and never been interested in it, but she loved musicals and Heathers was a personal favorite as hers. It had been the butt of many jokes when she'd first claimed it as her favorite musical two years ago, and every interview, people asked her if it was because her name was Adelaide Heathers.

But something about the casting call intrigued Addie. It felt like it would be new and exciting. It would be a challenge. Something just for Addie to enjoy, not for anyone else and not an obligation.

"Addie?" Tara called. Her and Penelope were standing a few feet away, waiting for her to catch up.

Addie nodded, shoving her phone in her back pocket. She jogged to catch up. "Coming."


Addie glanced between her phone and the front of the theater, the bright lights contrasting with the dimly lit shops around it and the dim light of the falling sun.

The theater had a vintage look to it, as if it had been standing for decades while remaining neglected.

Addie pushed the doors open, the hinges lacked oil judging from the excessive amount of force needed to open the door. The sound of the bottom of the door scraping against the floor made Addie cringe.

There were dark marks on the red carpet where the door scraped against the floor.

The theater smelled clean, like bleach and the lemon air spray Addie's mom used to use before guests came over until Paola found out she was allergic to it.

There were papers with 'this way for heathers casting' and an arrow scribbled on it messily with blue pen. Addie followed the directions until she arrived at the stage, with about two thousand seats and a wooden stage that smelled suspiciously like humidity.

Five people sat in the second row, with notepads and papers scattered between them and in their hands. A handful of people were sitting in the back rows, watching the boy auditioning, who was belting an Adele song. He looked to be around nineteen years old, with bright red hair and freckles on his cheeks.

Addie waited until he finished and approached the five people who seemed to be the casting directors. "Hi. Excuse me?"

There were three women and two men, all of them looking young, early thirties at the oldest while most looked to be in their mid twenties.

One of the women looked up, with fierce red hair and vivid green eyes, "Hello, are you here for the audition?"

Addie nodded. "Yeah, I'm here for the role of Veronica?"

The woman smiled. "Of course, go right ahead."

"On the stage?" Addie gestured, and the woman nodded. She followed her instructions, climbing onto the stage and standing in the center.

"My name is Eliza Grey, I'm the director of this play," Eliza said, brushing her red hair over her shoulder, "That's Marie, our vocal coach. Nadia is our choreographer. Rick is the acting coach and then Jack here is a general assistant. Any questions, you'll take it up with him."

MASTERMIND - H.Sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن