The young man is angry at first, then put on a sarcastic smile, "I don't sacrifice myself for anyone. I am trying to 'keep myself' since I don't want to change! Look at your appearance! If you return home, can your wife or children recognize you? Your eyes are used to seeing corpses and murder. When you're lying on your real bed at home, and covered with a soft quilt, that bloody and rancid smell will still linger at the tip of your nose. When your bed partner is sneaking behind your back to blindfold you and to tease you, you would instinctively grab her throat......we are all in this dilemma. Admit it! Because of this, I don't want to put the only remaining bit of myself, the sympathy and feelings that ordinary people have to be lost!"

Their voices are not loud. Assistant Lin can't hear what they're saying and only thought that when the young man said something, everyone seemed affected as their expression changed.

This person is more "alive" than the others, and not too much like a murderer.

Hope rose in Assistant Lin's eyes.

At this time, an unpleasant and hoarse voice screamed and laughed, "The lackeys have come!"

Assistant Lin panicked and turned. He saw the assailants come over with food and beer. Their faces are covered with blood, almost hiding their faces.

Both sides seem to be enemies as if it's the most natural thing.

The bloody kitchen knife was thrown out. The distance between the two parties is not that far. The people wearing black badges only stepped back a few steps, then raised their hands together——

The few kitchen knives hovered in the air. It seems that the two forces are deadlocked against each other.

Assistant Lin trembles against the wall, he's unlucky enough to be in the middle of the two sides, and even more, he found that some of the superpowers on either side, looked his way with the corner of their eyes.


Assistant Lin is scared. After half a minute, he found that everyone is not watching him but at the manhole cover a few small steps from the sidewalk and not far from him.

He noticed this because the utility hole cover slightly shook, and something seemed to be coming out.

"Retreat!" Many people yelled at the same time.

The knives lost strength, fell to the ground, and the movement of the manhole cover also stopped.

A siren can be heard from a distance.

The murderers immediately cursed and turned to the direction of the parking lot.

Assistant Lin wants to relax. His whole person suddenly fell back uncontrollably, and it seems that something grabbed his body, like a rope——

"What are you doing?"

Assistant Lin heard the anger of the young man. That strange pulling force disappeared as an arm tightly reined in his neck. His legs were kicking the ground in vain, trying to struggle, but he was forcefully dragged away. The assailant is very strong.

"Taking a hostage, just in case."

Assistant Lin can't breathe. He struggled to make some space for his neck, and his eyes rested on the ground. He found that the manhole cover has been opened, and many fine white silks came out.

But the next moment, when Assistant Lin looked again, the roadside manhole cover was strangely pushed aside, and no people are standing near it.

The young man tried to chase but was blocked by his companions.

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