Au Revoir

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After the fight in Basil's room, Basil and Sunny both got sent into the hospital. Sunny told the truth to his friends, but Basil was still laying unconscious in bed. By the time he woke up it was late at night and everyone was gone. Massive guilt immediately crushed his soul.

Last night I... Sunny... H-his eye... I.. I'm terrible..! How could I ever do this to him..! I.. I'm a monster...

Basil loved Sunny, so, so much.. yet all he did was cause him trouble. He wanted Sunny to be happy. Sunny deserved to be happy. And Sunny would be happy.. if Basil was gone. If he wasn't there to cause any more trouble.

If I was gone... Sunny would be happy...

Basil got up from the bed and walked towards the door, he placed his hand on the handle and slowly turned it, opening the door. He walked outside the room and wandered in the hospital halls for a while. A while until he reached the roof.

The railing was broken, that's a bit dangerous. If someone got near that broken railing they could fall and get hurt pretty badly.

Basil walked towards the broken railing. He stood at the edge of the building as he looked down at the distance he was about to cross.

The sun had started to rise as the cold morning breeze played with Basil's long, golden hair. Tears kept falling from his eyes, those tears landed on the hard concrete below him at the bottom of the building.

Basil stood there, crying, for about an hour. He tried to remember all the good times he had with Sunny. How he confessed to him with many flowers and how Sunny accepted, returning the feeling. All their "secret" dates that they thought nobody knew of. Their first kiss, and the second, and all the times they kissed. The time when Sunny gave him a fake flower and told him he'd stop loving him when this flower wilts.

He wanted his last moments to be happy, to be filled with Sunny.

Basil stepped forward onto air and let gravity pull him towards Sunny's happiness.


Sunny's mom was waiting outside the hospital in her car, waiting for Sunny to come out so they could finally move to the new city.

After about fifteen minutes, she heard a loud noise but decided to ignore it. There was no time to care about little noises here and there, she had to take Sunny and leave.

Twenty minutes passed and Sunny wasn't here yet. The twenty minutes turned into thirty, to fifty, to an hour.

Sunny's mom finally decided to go inside the hospital and search for her son.

After minutes of searching she found him outside, sitting next to a pool of blood, crying.

"What's wrong, Sunny?" She asked in concern.
"Give him back!! Im begging you give him back!... Basil.. he.." Sunny yelled and sobbed. His crying was often interrupted by coughs, he didn't care.

His mom hugged him. After about an hour of Sunny crying and his mom comforting him, Sunny finally got up and went in the car.

He felt miserable. He loved Basil with all his heart, he swore he'd never stop loving him and he was willing to keep his word.

But Basil was dead. He was never coming back, and Sunny had to live with it. He had to keep loving someone who was dead, someone who wasn't going to come back.

The car kept moving and his mom kept driving

"Why do you still care about Basil even after he stabbed your eye out?" She kept asking. She doesn't get it. She doesn't get anything.

Basil was dead. And Sunny was never going to see him again, he was even going to miss his funeral.

Usually when someone dies unmarried, they get dressed up as a bride or a groom for the funeral, they even get a wedding ring. A wedding ring without a pair.

Sunny always wanted to see Basil as a groom, he was always looking forward to that day, their wedding day. Now Basil is dressed up as a groom but for the wrong occasion.

Sunny kept crying, more and more. His mom didn't care about his feelings. "A new start" she kept saying, but that was a new start just for herself. Sunny already had his new start the moment he stepped out the door three days ago, the moment he saved Basil from ending it all in his bedroom yesterday night, the moment he confessed the truth about Mari to his friends.

At the end I couldn't save Basil anyway.. I'm so useless. Sunny cried and kept crying while the car moved and kept moving. Driving him towards a new life, a life without the one he loved most, a life without Basil.

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