Shi Jin was silent for a while, then abruptly said, "Count Rong always surprises people."

Rong Xia gave a faint smile without responding.

"So cold." Ban Hua cupped her face, said to Rong Xia, "You two, take your time. I am going inside the carriage."

"Alright." Rong Xia held Ban Hua's wrist through her sleeve, he only let go after Ban Hua had been in the carriage. He turned to Shi Jin, "Shi-daren, farewell."

His eyes glid over the carriage, Shi Jin raised his head at Rong Xia, "Farewell."

The carriage slowly left. Shi Jin held onto the horse's rein, stood without moving for a long time as if he had lost his senses. Only when raindrops hit his face that he turned and climbed up the horse, galloped off to the direction of the Right Minister's residence.

Rong Xia's carriage was spacious, at least it was enough for two people to sit inside without being awkward. Or rather, because Rong Xia had put himself in a corner, they didn't have to sit too close to each other and Ban Hua didn't have to feel pressured. The inside of the carriage looked like the mountain king turtledoves crowding magpie's nest and the tiny mountain magpie.

T/N – I don't know what it means (...鸠占鹊巢的山大王与楚楚可怜的小山鹊...). Forgive zaixia, dear reader-nims.

There were many small compartments in the carriage containing various books but none was of the kind that Ban Hua liked. Rong Xia could see Ban Hua was twiddling her thumbs, he took out a book from under the cushion and said to her, "Reading in the carriage is not good for the eyes, I will tell you a story."

Ban Hua curiously asked, "What story?"

Rong Xia flipped through the book, said with some uncertainty, "It should be about the adventure of an exorcist Taoist master, and the people or demons he encountered."

"This is good." Ban Hua nodded, "Tell me this one."

"Legend says there is an island in the southern part of the sea, it is called The Island of Despair. There is a temple on the island....."

Raindrops fell on the roof of the carriage with 'ba da ba da' sound. Rong Xia's voice was pleasant to listen to, his tone changed according to the parts of the story, Ban Hua was so amused that she kept exclaiming again and again. By the time the carriage stopped in front of Ban residence, Ban Hua was feeling frustrated and unfulfilled.

"Your story is very interesting, much more interesting than 'scholars and beauties' stories told by storytellers." Ban Hua was curious, "Where did you find such a good book from?"

"I can't tell you." Rong Xia closed the book. Evading Ban Hua's expectant gaze, he put it back into the drawer under the seat.

"Why is that?" Ban Hua pouted. He had said a whole lot of good things when proposing yesterday, but he wouldn't even give her a book today. No wonder people said it's easier to believe that ghosts came out in daylight than trusting a man's mouth.

"Because I want Hua Hua to think of me everyday. Even if you don't miss me, you will look forward to meeting me for this good book." Rong Xia laughed lightly, "So Hua Hua please forgive my greedy and petty mind."

Ban Hua touched her cheek. Not good, it was burning a little.

"Then remember to tell me the rest of the story next time." Ban Hua lifted the curtain, "I am going back."

"Wait." Rong Xia pulled her wrist and took an umbrella from a corner. He let go of her hand, stepped down off the carriage, opened the umbrella and reached out to Ban Hua who was still at the carriage door, "Come, come down."

The rain was dense, Ban Hua gazed at Rong Xia's smiling face. After a moment of being under spell, she gave her hand to Rong Xia, and let him help her alight from the carriage.

Rong Xia sent her to the gate and smiled, "Get inside."

"Thank you." Ban Hua thought for a moment, "Why don't you come in and have a cup of tea?"

"No." Rong Xia whispered near Ban Hua's ears, "At this moment Uncle must not like seeing me. I am this brat who is going to marry his precious daughter away."

Ban Hua coughed drily, her eyes blinked. It is good that you know.

Rong Xia couldn't help laughing to see her that way, "There is a very interesting noodle shop in the west side of the city. Hua Hua, if you don't mind going to small shops, I will take you there when the weather is good. I heard their vegetable noodle soup is very good."

The shop was famous for it's beef noodle soup, but Ban Hua was still in mourning so Rong Xia didn't tell her.

"Good." Ban Hua looked up the sky, "But it seems the weather won't be better in a few days."

"It doesn't matter. As long as Hua Hua doesn't forget that we have agreed."

Ban Hua touched her face again. Wasn't it just going for a noodle soup, how did he make it sound like something different. "Do I look like someone who doesn't keep her words?"

Rong Xia smiled and shook his head, "En. No."

"You should go back, the rain is getting heavier." Ban Hua coughed drily. She took off her cloak and draped it over Rong Xia, "Wear it well, don't catch cold."

Rong Xia was dumbfounded, he ran his hand on the cloak that was too short for him. Under Ban Hua's serious gaze, he obediently looked down to tie it up, "Many thanks, Hua Hua."

"Welcome." Ban Hua glanced at Rong Xia's perfect jaw. You are beautiful, I don't want to see you sick.

That was how the servants at Count Rong residence watched their master walking around in a woman's cloak. From the front gate to the second gate, from the second gate through the corridors to the third gate, and from the third gate to his courtyard.

The steward was deeply disturbed, he ran off to find Du Jiu. His mouth opened, but the words didn't come out, what he was trying to ask was embarrassing.

Du Jiu guessed it, directly said, "Don't worry, Master Count doesn't have any special interest. That cloak was from Fule Junzhu. She was worried Master Count would catch cold so has specially put it on him."

"Ah..... this. So that's how it is." The steward stammered and nodded. It doesn't sound right, shouldn't it fall on the man to take off his cloak and put it on the woman?

Ay, it's unfortunate that Master and Madam had passed away early. They hadn't been able to teach their son how to care for his woman. Fule Junzhu has suffered.

The Right Minister's residence.

"Brother, you're back." Seeing that Shi Jin's clothes were soaking wet, Shi Feixian hurriedly ordered the servants to help Shi Jin bathed and changed. After everything was done she sat down in front of Shi Jin. In just a few days, her face had become haggard and the person listless.

"Brother, have you found out..... which miss Count Rong is engaged to?" Shi Feixian was unreconciled, she was truly unable to accept it. Which part of her was lacking, why couldn't Rong Xia be willing to marry her?

"Feixian, don't talk about this anymore. It doesn't matter who Rong Xia is engaged to, from now on he has nothing to do with you." Shi Jin's face was dark, "You are an unmarried girl!"

"You know who it is?" Shi Feixian anxiously grabbed his sleeve. "Who? Jiang Kangning? Zhao Xue? Or Jiang Wan?"

"A gongzhu's name is esteemed, can you call out a gongzhu's name just like that?" Shi Jin's face has completely sank, "Feixian, it's just a man. How can you lose yourself like this. Are you still our Shi family's daughter?"

"I.... I...... " Shi Feixian stammered, "Forgive me Brother, but when I think that Count Rong is willing to marry someone lesser, rather than me, my heart hurts like cut by knife, I can't contain my emotions. Brother, tell me please? At least let me give it up."

"So you can give up, or so you can take revenge?" Shi Jin looked at Shi Feixian. He knew his sister, Shi Feixian wasn't a gracious person.

"How can I do that. Will Count Rong be willing to marry me if I take revenge?" Shi Feixian bowed her head in anguish, "Brother, will you tell me?"

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