Proluge [1]

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      Hi my name is  Ajax but Everyone Is calling me Childe for a while so I don't mind it at all. I have two little brothers and one younger sister I have a happy life and everything was great.. At least that's what I thought Until This new boy arrived to the city with his sister. I know that something was off about them because since then in one night it get very loud about killer walking around the city. It was a beautiful night so I wanted to go out for a walk alone yeah it might be stupid when it's night and yet killer is somewhere here the only thing you know is that no matter what you do that someone will always keep an eye at you it's feeling really bad because when you are alone you have 99% that you will die. Please don't ask me why I know things like that well let's just say I love horror movies and well that really helps in some situations but be careful you never know the next move keep an eye on everyone around you just for safety and always have something with you that can help to survive just in case at least that's what I do always.

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