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📍Next day
Idk why but this night i couldn't sleep well thats why i went to the girls room and cuddled with them.


I hope that Jude isn't mad at me because i know how much he loves to cuddle with me

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I hope that Jude isn't mad at me because i know how much he loves to cuddle with me.

Anyways I walked back into his room and at first i though that he was already awake but no one was there.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was 10am.
I layed on the bed and got a text.


Hey bae
I need to go get some thinks
I will be back soon.
love you

love you to take care
Seen 10:30

I got out of bed and took a shower. After that i went to the kitchen and made some breakfast.

I finished, cleaned everything up and brought the food into the girls room.

They all were on there phone but when they saw me they sat up and we started to eat.

Emina: Since when are you so good at cooking ?
Me: Since ever i just never cook for y'all.

Adya: What are we going to do today?
Me: Idk but i want to get a helix
Emina: Omg yess i really want to get my nipple pierced
Adya: A nipple piercings would suit you so much
Emina: Ikk right
Tirana: And i think it's getting time to pierce my belly
Me: Do it it's your dream since you where 15
Tirana: But first of all my mom will kill me and second of all imagine i faint.
Me: Bro it is not like i am a nurse
Tirana: Somtimes i forgot that.
Me: The blonde hair really makes you dumb
Tirana: Shut up

Adya: When do we wanna go?
Me: Idk because jude is away and i need to ask him if i can use his car.
Emina: Call him
Me: No shit sherlock that was my plan.

So i called him
Jude: Hello
Me: Hey bae the girls and i wanted to go out can i take your car?
Jude: Sure! When are y'all coming back?
Me: Idk i will call you
Jude: Alright take care love you
Me: Love you to

I hung up and we all got ready.

But before i changed my outfit i quickly did the dishes and then got to the room.

I littraly changed my outfit 2 times till i found the perfect one.

I finished and started then to do my make up and hair after that i got to the living room and waited for the others.

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