𝐈𝐕. i get an e-boy doctor

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PERCY WAS DREAMING. USUALLY, THIS wouldn't be a big deal. She had dreams all the time and most of them were weird.

One time, she had a dream where she was reborn as a Kardashian sister and got canceled on Twitter for having a flat ass (Percy would also like to preface that she did not, in fact, have a flat ass thank you very much!). She even had occasional dreams about being Mr. D turning her into a dolphin like he always promised. Like she said, weird dreams.

But this dream was different.

It was too vivid. Her mind was filled with clarity, the haziness in her head that usually came with normal dreams was gone. She knew what this meant; it was a demigod dream.

Nothing good came with it. Demigod dreams acted like visions; sometimes it showed you scenes of the past or present, sometimes it showed you abstract scenarios that you needed to figure out by yourself (those were always the most annoying). Either way, demigod dreams were an omen. Something was going to happen and she needed to be ready for it.

Percy felt nervous. The last time she had a demigod dream was four months ago back at the Battle of Manhattan. Having one again was not a good sign.

She looked around at her surroundings. She was in some poorly lit Great Hall. There was only one light that came from a rickety chandelier and it was shining above her. She squinted, trying to look through the darkness, but saw nothing. Anything outside of this circle of light was too dark for her to see.

Anyways, she was also sitting down on a wooden chair, a table set in front of her. The table was empty aside from a single plate that had a dead fish on it, cut open with its guts and bones out for her to see. Its wide, dull eyes stared back at her, making her fidget uncomfortably.

As a daughter of Poseidon, she was never one for pescetarianism. Even before she knew who her father was, she always went by the wise words of Bruce from Finding Nemo, "fish are friends, not food".


A small buzz sound caught her attention. Something small flew into the light; a fly. She watched as it landed on the fish's open gut.

Bzzz. Bzzz.

Two more flies joined in.

She scowled in disgust. Especially when a couple more appeared.

"Ugh. Come on, go away." She raised one arm to swat at them, but something dark wrapped around her wrist and slammed her whole arm back down onto the armrest of the chair.

"What the—?!" She tried to pry her arm free, but the same thing happened to her other arm. She could feel her legs being tied to the legs of the chair too.

What were these? They looked like shadowy tendrils... It reminded her of Nico's powers over the dark.

What warning was this dream trying to give her? That Nico or maybe Hades was gonna force her to eat a fish?

𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐒, pjo x rorWhere stories live. Discover now