G-Hole (End)

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The next day, Jiho had a lot of free time so he went to Gangbuk to visit someone. Besides, he was getting better and better with Hansoo and felt his strength increasing.

He arrived in front of a school where classes did not seem to have started yet. He seemed to be looking for someone with his eyes, but finally his gaze fell on some students talking at the entrance, and when they saw him arrive, the students quickly stood up to greet him.

"Hello Hyung-nim, to what do we owe this visit?" They all asked in unison.

"Let's see, no need for so much respect, my look may be imposing, but I'm sure we're the same age. I just have a question to ask you." Jiho answered a little confused, but he still liked the fact that he was called Hyung-nim. He shouldn't get used to it.

"Ah, excuse us then. Ask us your question." Answered one of them.

"Well, well. Do you know where I could find Ko Hajun?"

The three boys speak between them before answering. 

"Uh, we don't know him sorry, sir!"

{They still call me sir... But that means Hajun hasn't been transferred from the North to here yet. Pretty interesting, actually. I'll come back in a year to see if it has changed}. Jiho thought.

"Too bad, but don't worry about it. I wish you guys a good day." He waved goodbye to them, which made them smile. Jiho's physique made him more and more respected by his peers.

He continued his tour of the city, it's true that he hadn't enjoyed Seoul enough since he was reincarnated. He enjoyed the scenery and all the pretty girls of the PTJ world he saw. He wondered if he should not have gone to see Baek Chaerin in the West. It hurt Pana even more to think that she had reincarnated a such bastard. But he was cut off from his thoughts when he bumped into a man.

"Hey, excuse you, unless you want me to pop you?" Threatened the man.

Jiho was not really afraid of this one. But one of the people who accompanied him took his breath away, he was so excited that without thinking about the consequences, he will give a straight punch to the stomach of the man who pushed him. That was enough to put him on the ground quite easily, the passers-by were backing up like the group accompanying the man. On the back of the hood of the man on the ground it said "God Dog".

Jiho didn't expect to run into the God Dogs so quickly and easily. But what worried him most was the young man of his age who was looking at him with a dark look. He walked towards Jiho, making the group move aside to let him pass.

Johan Seong the leader of the God Dog was now right in front of him, the reincarnate felt the pressure mounting and a great strength coming from the boy

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Johan Seong the leader of the God Dog was now right in front of him, the reincarnate felt the pressure mounting and a great strength coming from the boy. But still, just like Eli Jang and Vin Jin, he was going to manipulate Johan Seong. He came closer to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Johan. Johan. Lets do business, I have a solution for you and your..." Jiho was cut off by a right hook from Johan. But that wasn't all, the punch he had used before was copied by Johan. This one put him a burst in the stomach. It was a long time that the reincarnated had been so close to the ground, at least he was not knocked out.

"Shut up, your attack was not bad, it reminds me someone. I'll take it and your shoes. It's compensation for the guy you just knocked out." Answered Johan without even stooping to Jiho's level, he will tell one of his companions to support the knocked out man and another to take Jiho's shoes.

He had been robbed as easily as that and beaten as easily as that. Despite everything he knew about Johan, even if the negotiations didn't go well, he thought he had a chance against the crewhead. But that was completely wrong. Reality was catching up with him, his training was just not good enough for him considering the speed with which he was beaten. If it had gone wrong, Vin Jin and Eli Jang too would have beaten him like that. He was clearly not of their level.

{So many guys are still above me in this generation. I have to find better than Hansoo, but it's too early to go to the countryside. I'd get torn apart by the Kwak... Gun would kill me, Samdak would ignore me. I am still too poor for Goo and Tom. What can i do...?}

"Hey, what are you doing on the ground here, you went from being a pretentious guy to a homeless?" It came from Taehoon Seong who stooped to look at him.

"Give me a break, redhead. I have other things to do than talk to you... I'll get stronger so I won't humiliate the name of your gym." Jiho left right after saying that. Taehoon smiled, Jiho reminded him of someone...


Jiho stayed in Gangbuk, he had time to spare, there were many delinquents from different schools in the street, a fight could break out at any moment. Jiho remembered what he had read in Lookism. Pana was happy about this idea.

"What do you want? Stop staring at us like that? Losers like you disgust us a little." Declared one of the students. A group was accompanying him, but Jiho wasn't that afraid.

"Let's go with the  the first generation style." Jiho replied. He gave a big punch to the face of his opponent then hit him in the stomach. This simple sequence was enough for a confrontation between all the high schools student present to start. They saw it as a declaration of war, that they had to defend themselves against the others.

If Jiho had chosen to react at once, it was to fight with all the people at the same time. He lacked experience, he had to increase it through several fights like the first generation. He had to develop his own style. By doing this he could already reach a level that was not laughable for everyone.

 By doing this he could already reach a level that was not laughable for everyone

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Next Arc : The Unstable Punk

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