Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"I don't know I thought we would just wing it.'

"Winging it, it sounds good to me." I said as I walked over to the front door. I set the alarm and then opened the door. I didn't see his car in the driveway or in the front of the house then I said, "So where did you park?"

"Around the corner." He walked out of the door and pointed down to the end of my street.

" why didn't you just pull up in the driveway?" I asked as I pulled the door shut.

"I don't know." he said as he humped his shoulders "I guess I wasn't thinking." We walked down to the end of the block and before we turned the corner. He said, "Hold up." He said as he turned me around to face him.

"What, what is it?" I started looking at myself to see if something was wrong with me. "

"Nothing's wrong with you." he said as he walked me backwards around the corner.

Close your eyes." He turned me around and said, "Okay open your eyes."

When I opened my eyes, I was taken-aback there was a horse and carriage. I started to tear up and put my hands over my mouth and muffled, "This is beautiful. I can't believe you did this for me."

"So, I guess you approve?" as he motioned his hand for me to walk in front of him.

"Yes, I do approve." I said as I walked over to the carriage.

"Well let's get this night started." he stepped up into the carriage and reached his hand out to help me up.

"I can honestly say that I was expecting a nice night, but nothing like this." I said as I folded my arms because I started to get cold.

"Are you cold?"

"Yeah, a little."

He then reached over to the side of him and grabbed a blanket. He placed across our legs and then pulled out another blanket and wrapped it around our shoulders. I must admit the heat from our body chemistry had me warming up so fast that the blankets were starting to be a little too much.

"So, did I surprise you or did you know that something was up"?

"Well, I knew that something was up, but nothing like this."

"Well at least I can do something that has made you a fan."

"I am a fan indeed." I smiled.

"Okay, I don't want to toot my own horn, but it gets better. I think." he then reaches over to his side and pulled out two long stemmed glasses. "would you mind holding these for me?" He handed me the glasses then turned back around and pulled out some champagne. "Please tell me you drink champagne."

"Yes, I do." I handed him his glass and then said, "I think if I didn't drink champagne, I would have drunk it anyway the mood is just too right." I said as I tapped my glass against his and took a sip. "You know I feel like I have known you forever."


"Yes, you couldn't tell, today when I was joking with you?"

"Oh, is that what that was?"

"Ha, ha, you know even your jokes are funnier now."

"Oh, boosting my ego that helps a lot." he said as he took a sip from his glass.

"Good. I wouldn't like for you to be a man with low self-esteem. That wouldn't look good on a man as fine as you."

"Oh, you don't know when to stop." he said as he kissed my forehead.

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