Regina dug a large serving bowl out of one of the cupboards placing the Italian dish in it directly
from the pan and grated some additional fresh parmigiano reggiano over the top as well as
some fresh herbs. Emma had removed the garlic bread from the oven, making sure the
mozzarella was melted copiously over the top. "Henry, would you please grab the salad and
take it to the dining room, then set places for dinner?" The brunette requested softly. The boy
merely nodded and went about doing his tasks.

After placing the cheesy bread on a large serving plate, Emma turned around and focused on
the mayor. "So, what do you think should be the next step in this mess?" She inquired softly so
Henry couldn't hear.

"Well, I expect we'll be getting another text or at least be contacted in some form by whoever
is blackmailing me. I say we wait." The raven-haired beauty said in a similar tone. "Oh, I'm going
to need you to pick up some more paperwork from my office tomorrow. As well as drop some off
with Sophie. I'll put a note on top for her so she'll know what I need her to do with them."

"No problem." The sheriff informed her with a soft smile.
Henry returned from the dining room, catching the end of the women's conversation. "What's no
problem?" The curious kid inquired, his eyes flitting between his mothers'.

Emma tore her eyes away from the stunning brunette and gave her son her attention. "Your
Mom just wanted me to pick up more paperwork for her." She answered with a caring smile.

His green eyes got wide as fear grew in them. "S-so you're gonna leave mom and I a-alone?"

The blonde stood silently for a moment, deep in thought, wondering what she could say to
comfort her son. "Okay, kid, how about your mom and I put a protection barrier around the place
until I get home? How does that sound?"

A head of chestnut hair nodded, barely discernible. "Okay, Ma, I'd feel better with that."


Emma exited the elevator and walked directly towards Regina's secretary, "Hey, Sophie. How's it
going?" She genuinely inquired.

The lithe woman yawned widely before answering, "I'm well, a bit tired, but it's okay."

"I'm so sorry you're so tired." Concern evident in forest green eyes. "Late night?"

"Thank you, Sheriff, it kind of was; I don't want to bother you with it. What can I do for you

The blonde let the conversation go, "I'm just here to pick up Regina's non-ending paperwork."
She answered with her signature lopsided smile.

"Oh, well, I can grab it for you if you want." The younger woman offered, nervously twiddling her

Emma being the observant sheriff she was, had noticed but once again let it go, "That'd be
great, thanks."


The blonde swung by the sheriff's office on her way home to check on Mulan and see if she had
any more leads. Swinging the glass door open, she heard two voices, one she recognized as
Mulan's, but she wasn't sure who the other person was, only that it was a male, or at least
sounded like it. She peeked around the corner and saw a familiar head of crazy brown hair.
'Ahhh, it's Jefferson. I wonder what he wants', she contemplated to herself.

As she struts confidently into the bullpen, Mulan sees her interrupting Jefferson as he was
talking, "Sheriff Sw-.....I mean, Emma, what are you doing here? Aren't you taking today off?"

The wild-haired man spun around, "Uh, well, I better go." He sped past the blonde, not wasting a
glance at her.

Emma looked at him as he hurried out of the door, 'I wonder what that was all about.'
Remembering Mulan's question, she answered, "Uhh, I was just checking to see how things are
going on the investigation. What was Jefferson doing here?"

"He was just asking how Regina and Henry were doing. As for the investigation, we haven't
really found anything new yet, but we're still digging. As you know, Regina has had quite a few
enemies over her reign as queen, as well as mayor, before she changed her ways, so it's taking
time to go through everything." The Asian woman explained, hoping to give her boss a
satisfactory response.

The blonde devoured the information and, with appreciation, said, "Thank you again for helping
with this and keeping things under wraps. By the way, what did you tell Jefferson?"

"Absolutely nothing, Emma; I simply told him that he would have to speak with you." The deputy
answered firmly and honestly with conviction in deep brown eyes.

"Thank you again....for everything." The sheriff sincerely said as she turned to leave. "Oh, Henry
is still waiting for you to come over and play video games with him again." She announced
playfully with a smirk. "Just tell me when and we'll arrange it."

It's no problem, and I look forward to it." Her subordinate confirmed with a grin of her own.

The Double Life Of Regina MillsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora