"My loves, it's getting late, we have to leave now if we don't want to get to the circus too late" Said Dally tenderly to his children, tenderly and lovingly caressing his Jasmine's beautiful black hair

Smiling happily, Leïla, Naël, Sherine, Lïana, Aaliyah and Syana nodded happily and, together with their parents, Lady and the puppies, they happily left the house and walked happily to the car

Tenderly, Dally and Jasmine settled their children, Lady and the puppies into the car before kissing each other tenderly and lovingly and also getting into the car happily and tenderly

Throughout the trip to the circus, Jasmine tenderly and lovingly held her Dally's hand in hers and kissed it tenderly and lovingly several times

Dally, him, looked at her and smiled at her tenderly and lovingly

He was just so crazy about her and was dying to kiss her and make love to her

Leïla, Naël, Sherine, Lïana, Aaliyah and Syana, them, were just so happy and couldn't wait to arrive

Finally after a few minutes of driving, the family had finally arrived at the circus

Leïla, Naël, Sherine, Lïana, Aaliyah and Syana were just so happy

As they were all about to get out of the car, Tahina suddenly started crying

"Mommy, why is she crying ?" Asked Syana, a little worried

"She must be hungry, don't worry sweetheart" Smiled Jasmine tenderly at her daughter, looking at her with love and tenderness

"I'll get her, my little angel" Said Dally tenderly

Smiling fondly and looking at her husband with love and tenderness, Jasmine nodded tenderly

Smiling tenderly, Dally stole then a tender and loving kiss from his wife before tenderly and delicately taking his daughter in his arms and placing her tenderly and delicately in his Jasmine's arms

As her Dally kissed her tenderly and lovingly on the forehead, Jasmine smiled tenderly and began to tenderly breastfeed Tahina

The whole time Jasmine tenderly breastfeed her baby, everyone stayed in the car with her and waited for her to finish

Dally looked at his Jasmine with so much love, tenderness and devotion, tenderly and lovingly stroking her thigh

Jasmine looked and smiled tenderly and lovingly at him

Finally a few minutes later, Jasmine had finished breastfeeding Tahina and the whole family happily left the car, to the delight of Leïla, Naël, Sherine, Lïana, Aaliyah and Syana

In the lead, they happily and tenderly pushed Tahina's stroller and headed happily towards the entrance of the circus

Dally and Jasmine, them, right behind them, held each other tenderly and lovingly by the hand and tenderly held Lady and the puppies on leashes

Dally had tenderly and lovingly cuddled his cheek in his Jasmine's beautiful black hair and deposited tender and loving kisses on her head, murmuring littles "I love you" in Arabic

An Outsider's Love Story ~ Dallas WinstonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora