20 | The Fourth Ball

Beginne am Anfang

I stomp on his foot.

He doesn't even flinch or wince.

He spins me around and pulls me back to his chest.

"I thought I said I think a dance would smooth everything out between us, why are you making it so difficult?" He sneers, narrowing his beautiful dark green eyes at me.

"Because I hate you," I answer, smiling at him.

I try to push him away, but he holds onto me tighter. I can feel his heart beating against mine, the very same exact one I wish would have stopped forever.

He stares at me, a small smile on his face. "You're not wearing green," he randomly points out, raising an eyebrow.

I glance down at my black dress.

I grin at him, "I am wearing green."

They said to wear green but they didn't mention that I couldn't wear green underwear.

He slowly realises what I mean and shakes his head at me.

I can't help but stomp on his foot again but even harder.

He glares at me. "Stop doing that," he tells me, angry.

Sighing, I nod, "Okay I'll stop."

Then I place my hand on his stomach, the very spot where I stabbed him. He looks down at me, curious. I feel bandages against my fingers and press even harder on his stomach.

His hands grip my waist even tighter than before. He quietly hisses in pain, giving me a death glare. "You—"

The song ends, and I bring a finger to his mouth, shushing him. "Next time I'll do a better job," I promise him, retracting my hand.

He scowls, "I'd like to see you try."

I look at him, slightly tilting my head. I hate him. I hate him so much.

Control yourself, you can't kill him right now, Athena.

I force myself to turn around and walk away. As I walk away, I can feel his eyes burning into my back. With a small smile on my face, I vanish into the crowd.

✮ ✮ ✮

I watch Lorenzo finally make an appearance. He sits down at the reserved table for him and he looks around the room.

His eyes connect with mine and then he smiles. Standing back up, he walks toward me.

My eyes slightly widen when I see Yavok watching his every movement. Quickly, I turn around and walk away, hiding behind a pillar.

Well, shit.


Lorenzo stands beside me, confused. I smile at him. He tilts his head at me, slowly smiling. "What are you doing?"

"Hiding," I quietly answer.

"From who?"

"You need to go," I tell him, seriously, looking back at the stage.

He frowns, "Wait what—"

"Hello, I would just like to announce—"

Stepping away from the pillar, I see Yavok on the stage with his yet-to-be-announced fiancé.

My eyes snap to Marcello. All the blood from his face has drained, and he is frozen in his seat. Shit. He's seen her.

I quickly walk past Lorenzo and towards the stage, hiding behind people as I do so.

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