2 - could never love a gay son

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I sighed hard. Almost a grunt. I hate farm work with my dad. And he always makes me do it. The fan was blowing hard but honestly, it only felt like it was blowing the 80-degree air around in my room.

"Luke! Your fathers home!" My mother called up the stairs of the farm house.

"Okay, coming!" I yelled back.

"yippee" I mumbled, my voice solemn and unenthusiastic.

I was only wearing boxers and a t-shirt, so I slipped on a random pair of cargo shorts, socks, and my 'farm boots' as dad calls them.

I tried telling him I'd be fine only wearing my converse, but he didn't believe it. I didn't even get a chance to prove it.

I took a quick glance in my mirror before heading downstairs.

"Hey mum" I said, waving gently at her as I trudged through the kitchen in my damn work boots. Every step was heavy and loud. I felt like my dad.

She waved back at me, smiling as she continued needing the dough she was making. Mom made the best pie.

I made my way out to the driveway where dad was waiting for me. There he was, brown overalls, muck boots and all.

"We're gonna get the fields ready to plant some seeds today"

"Isn't it too late in the season?" I questioned. It was only may 15th. Usually we finished planting our crops a while ago.

"A little bit. But we can at least try. You didn't do good enough with the ones we planted a while ago, so we don't have enough crops."

I looked down, suppressing the anger I felt. "I'm sorry."

"Just do better this time." He said, handing me a rake.

We made our way out to the fields. Dad handed me a rake and a shovel and I got to working. We dug and dug and dug until the sun was setting and the sky was various shades of orange and blue.

My back was throbbing, and my arms felt like they would fall off.

"Can I be done for now he night?" I asked, breaking the hour long silence that had fallen between us.

He shook his head no. "Nope. You aren't finished. And you won't be finished until dusk if you keep going so slow."

"I've been working for 6 hours now"

He exhaled sharply, stabbing his rake into the ground. "I didn't ask how long you've been working."

"But dad-"

"No buts! Keep going or you'll be in big trouble."

I placed my tools onto the ground, and started my long walk back to our house.

I could hear dad yelling in the distance. Yelling my name. Telling me to come back or I'll be in trouble. I didn't care. I was in so much pain.

I opened the front door quickly as I noticed my dad following close behind me, slamming it in his face.

I ran to my room and locked the door.

He pounded on it.

"Open the damn door!" He exclaimed.

After the fifth time of asking, he rammed into it so hard the lock broke and it flung open.

"What's your deal?"

"I'm in pain! I don't want to work anymore"

"Well you can deal with it! You're the only one of your siblings who are strong enough."

"Well maybe I don't want to help"

Dad exhaled, trying to calm himself down. "Your grounded."

"What?! Because you worked me too hard? I'm grounded?"

"Yes. You are. Don't ever disrespect me again"

"See! You don't care about me in the slightest! How am I the bad one?!"

"You are such an asshole all the time! You disrespect me, you shove around your sisters, and you fail in school!"

"Oh what so I'm not your favorite now?"

"No, no your not! You never have been! I don't think you understand that me and your mother have always known deep down that you were different"

My heart dropped. I didn't know he knew. "Yeah, well I hope your happy because you can't do anything to fix me."

"Holy fuck. What else do you need to hear the get it through your head!"

My breathing was heavy. What did he want me to say to him? "What? That you could never love a fa**ot like me?"

He stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes opening wide. "What?!"

"You heard me!"

"I can't even look at you!" He said, turning around and stomping out of my room. I could hear my mother weeping from downstairs. My sisters were asking my dad questions. I felt guilty. Sure, I didn't like my dad that much, but my mom and my sisters meant the world to me.

I don't know what's going to happen. I just hope I'm okay.


Okayyy chapter 2 this one also isn't great because I'm itching to write the next chapter 🤭

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