“Selena, I am sorry I didn’t tell you the truth at the start. And to all of you, thank you. I don’t know why you did that but if you didn’t stop them, God knows what they would have done to me.”

“Nino. Don’t apologize to me about it. We just met that time, and you didn’t want to involve me in this. Anyway, don’t you have your stuff to unpack? We have school tomorrow.”

With that, I left to start unpacking. The first meeting wasn’t that bad. Shanique might be mad at me, but I am sure we will be fine.

Maybe it won’t be that bad that change.
I need to tell Marinette about it.

Mari’s POV

It took a while to get used to those new changes I made, but I am alright with them.

I made Luka the new cat wielder and it was a wise choice.
We may be in New York, but there is trouble there as well.

At least we met the Avengers, so we joined forces. It is nice to have a proper team.
They were shocked that teenagers are superheroes, but they accepted that and helped us train to be stronger and make smarter choices in battles.

It took only two weeks to become a globally famous fashion designer known as MDC.
My parents know about it and are proud of me for this accomplishment.

I changed my style as well. Now I have my hair tied into a bun, a red and white dress with a black belt, some cute jewelry, and my flat shoes. I look more like a teenager.

Luka, on the other hand, hasn’t changed his style too much, only that he wears now instead of a zip-up jacket, he wears a new black with blue details leather coat made by me for our 6 months anniversary.

He became famous as well, only the difference is that he doesn’t hide his identity, he revealed himself at his live performance.

At least I don’t have to worry about Lila and my ex-friends anymore.

I am currently designing my new Halloween line which will be revealed in two weeks during Halloween day while Luka is sitting beside me making words for his next song. It was until we got a call from Nino.


“Hey, Dudette. How is NY?”

“Pretty great actually, thanks. How is your new school?”

“Cool actually. Anyway, about that, was it you who sent the recommendations and application to it?”

“You figured me out.” I laughed evilly, making both Nino and Luka look concerned and scared at the same time.

“WHAT THE HELL IS THAT NINO???” I heard someone in the background scream in fear. Oops.

“Get out of my room, Rico! I am calling Mari.”

“OH COOL!!! Hi Marinette!”

“Hi, Rico.” I laughed when Nino was dragging Rico out of his room based on what I heard.

“Sorry about that. I will literally lose my head one day.”

“Make sure to have GPS on it so you can locate it.” Luka knows how to make us laugh.

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