04. You put my heart in motion

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❛ you put my heart in motion❜
content: violence, blood/gore, sexual content.


          Evie kept an eye on Misty Quigley as she wrapped makeshift bandages around Mari Reyes' bleeding forehead

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     Evie kept an eye on Misty Quigley as she wrapped makeshift bandages around Mari Reyes' bleeding forehead. Misty was going person to person, giving tips on how to better set this bone, cover this wound, elevate this sprained ankle . . . Like the world's most cheerful warfield medic.

Evie had never liked Misty . . . so it was strange to see everyone listening to her and following her directions, like she hadn't just chopped Coach Scott's leg off fifteen minutes ago. Misty'd been too eager, in Evie's opinion, to do something so violent. Now Coach was probably going to bleed to death from Misty's axe wound before help could even get here. But nobody even seemed to care. It was infuriating.

Evie yanked too hard on the bandage, and Mari cried out.

"Jee-sus, Caulfield!" Mari complained. "You trying to crush my skull?"

"Maybe." Evie tied a knot in the fabric and dropped her hands. Mari had a pained expression on her face. Evie sighed haughtily. "Pressure will stop the bleeding! You should be thanking me."

Evie left Mari to her ungrateful self. As she made her way closer to the plane, still smoking in the midday sun, she observed the other survivors as they hurried around her. The adrenaline of the crash was only just beginning to wear off. People were gathered in small groups throughout the woods, aiding others with their injuries. Fortunately, nobody was screaming.

Evie passed by a JV girl with a broken arm sobbing as another girl set the bone with a stick and some bandages torn from t-shirts. "Hold still," she said. "I know it hurts, but this is the best we can do until the rescue team shows up." The JV girl hung her head and tried to stop crying.

Evie swatted at a cloud of gnats she passed through. Of all places to crash, why did it have to be in the middle of the woods? Evie'd never been an outdoors person, and she was already sick of the muggy air, the bugs, and the dirt sticking to the sweat on her face. If anything, this felt like a nightmare. A bloody, sweaty, terrible fucking nightmare. Evie wasn't too sure this was even real. Maybe the whole plane crash was a figment of her imagination, something her hungover, Xanax-induced brain concocted to stay occupied on the flight. Maybe she'd wake up in Seattle, safe and far away from the mosquitos and the fear.

And honestly, believing this was only a dream was the sole reason Evie hadn't broken down, yet.

Evie found Lottie standing near the plane, digging through a bag for supplies. There was dried blood spattered on Lottie's face. Evie stooped down beside her friend, lifting the hem of her shirt to help wipe the blood off. Lottie startled, but went still when she realized Evie was helping.

"You've got blood on your cheek," Evie explained.

Lottie squeezed her eyes shut. "I don't even know whose blood it is."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2024 ⏰

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