AMBROSE DELEYNE AND STEVE ROGERS FIND THEMSELVES ON THE SAME MISSIONS.Steve is usually the one to go into the line of fire first, with Ambrose covering his flank. Ambrose never minds. It works out better that way. Steve usually gets the glory. The media praises him for everything he does. One time, he picked up an old lady's wallet for her and ended up being on the face of the tabloids for three weeks. This is perfect for the pair. Ambrose doesn't like the spotlight; he'd rather be the mind behind the master.
They grow close, and they grow close quickly. The ice begins to thaw between them. It's a matter of time before SHIELD agents and Avengers alike begin to the ever-growing friendship between Ambrose and Steve. Natasha Romanoff just happens to be the first one to ask about it.
Steve's in the kitchen when the shorter woman makes her appearance. Natasha is quiet and smooth as her light steps press against the floor. Steve's in his own little world, he doesn't even notice the approaching redhead. Not until she taps him on the shoulder. He flinches softly at the contact. "Y'know, you've almost gone four days without doing that." He lets out a breathless chuckle.
"I'm sure you miss the no-scare streak." Natasha's forest-green eyes are locked on Steve's sky blue ones. She's always done that, she's very keen on eye contact. Sometimes, it's a little off-putting. This time, however, it's attention-catching. "So, you and Deleyne?"
"Me and Deleyne...?" Steve raises a quizzical brow. "You can't possibly not know, Rogers." Natasha's head tilted to the side. She looks almost exasperated. "I just assumed you were being coy."
"I think I'm missing the context." Steve faces Natasha fully. "What am I being coy about?"
At first, nothing. Then, Natasha lets out a soft sigh. "You haven't heard about what everyone's been saying?"
Steve's non-answer is an answer in itself. "Considering the look on your face, I assume it's something I should be concerned about?"
Natasha quickly scans the room, like she's planning to tell him a classified secret. "Everyone at SHIELD thinks that you and Agent Deleyne have been..." She doesn't need to finish. Steve can only shake his head slowly, glancing at the ground before looking at Natasha. A soft snicker of disbelief escapes him.
"Explains Stark's jokes..." He scoffs, mentally berating himself for missing the signs. "We're only on missions. Ambrose is an excellent agent, and he's a soldier. We're different sides of the same coin, as cliché as it sounds."
"Ambrose?" Natasha parrots in bewilderment. Steve is shocked when she lets out a airy laugh of her own. "Rogers, you're on a first-name basis with the newest agent. You can't tell me that you don't..." She pauses. She's trying to censor herself a bit. "...enjoy his presence more than other's."
"And you just heard this through the grapevine?" His eyes narrow. "Through the grapevine." Natasha maintains.
"Well then, tell everyone in the grapevine that they're wrong."
Oh, the irony in that sentence.

Fanfiction𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐒' 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 a simple story where steve rogers gets burned by the devil himself post first avengers | 2013 steve rogers x male!oc