Lan Wangji was arriving somewhere through the upper hills in his sword

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Lan Wangji was arriving somewhere through the upper hills in his sword. He saw that someone is playing in river. Lan Wangji noticed that Nie Huaisang was also with him and that boy(Wei Wuxian) was an omega. Wangji was observing him. Wei Wuxian looked up and he saw that someone is observing them.

Wei Wuxian's and Wangji's eyes meet. Wangji was mesmerized in Wei Wuxian's beauty. For a moment his heart beat got fast. Wei Wuxian was also observing Lan Wangji. Wei Wuxian was also effected by Wangji's beauty. Wangji was looking like a heavenly god.

Suddenly at meantime Nie Huaisang says : A-Xian, look, there is a fish behind you.

Wei Wuxian looked behind. And he started chasing that fish. After a long time he was able to caught fish. Wei Wuxian again looked at upper hills. But that person was not there.


(NOTE : Wangji and Wei Wuxian have never seen each other before. Both only know each other's name. For example, Wangji only knows that his omega husband's name is Wei Wuxian. But other than that he doesn't know anything about Wei Wuxian. Not even his birth name. Wei Wuxian also only knows that his alpha husband's name is Lan Wangji. Wei Wuxian also doesn't even know Wangji's birth name.)


After playing in river Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang went to their home.

At evening Wei Wuxian was feeling bored. He wants to drink liquor. He remembered of Emperors smile. He went to market and buy two jars of emperors smile.

When Wei Wuxian was arriving at home then he saw that main gate of Cloud Recesses was already closed. He used his talisman and break the barrier. He secretly went inside.

That time Wangji was on duty he was doing night petrolling. Wangji saw that someone is breaking Gusu Lan principles. Wei Wuxian climbs at rooftop. Then suddenly he scared because he saw that someone is staring at him.

Wei Wuxian hesitatly saw him

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Wei Wuxian hesitatly saw him. Both's eyes again meet with each others. Wangji's ears turned red.

Wangji noticed that Wei Wuxian is holding liquor in his hand.

Wangji says in cold voice : Liquor is not allowed in Cloud Recesses

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Wangji says in cold voice : Liquor is not allowed in Cloud Recesses.

Wei Wuxian offer a jar to Lan Wangji.

Wangji says : You break another rule. Bribe is not allowed in Cloud Recesses.

Wei Wuxian got irritate and he says : You stone face beast, you are so boring.

Wangji got angry and he holds his Bichen in his hands

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Wangji got angry and he holds his Bichen in his hands. He attacked on Wei Wuxian. But Wei Wuxian jumped on another rooftop. Wangji again attacked on Wei Wuxian and he breaks Wei Wuxian's one jar of liquor. Wei Wuxian hold his Chenqing in his hand and started playing it. Suddenly black dense fog appeard in front of Wangji. At that moment Wei Wuxian run away from there.

When black fog disappear then Wangji was finding Wei Wuxian. But he was not able to found him. Wei Wuxian already ran away to his home.


Wangji thinks in his mind - "Who was that person. He dare to say me stone face beast. He breaks too many rules of Gusu in just one day. When I saw him I feel something in my heart. What was that feeling?"

Wangji was thinking all these things and his ears turned red. He tightly hold his Bichen in his hands.

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