The Betrayed Sacrifice

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Narrator's POV:

Harper, Griffin, the twins, and Topher were sitting on the couch watching a movie. There's been attacks around Sulphur Springs, apparently someone in a ghostface mask? Whoever it is, their parents want them to all be together when they aren't home, since there's strength in numbers I guess.

There's a really intense scene in the movie, and everyone's waiting for something to happen.

*Ring Ring Ring*

Everyone jumps because it was unexpected, then Griffin picked up the phone.

"Hello?" He says.

"Hello." The caller responds.

"Uh I think you have the wrong number." Griffin says, not recognizing the voice.

"No I don't think I do, this is the Tremont Hotel right?" The caller asks.

"Well it is, but we aren't open so we don't allow guests yet, sorry." Griffin answers.

"Well then it's a good thing i'm not calling to make a reservation." The caller says.

Griffins getting weirded out now, why else would they be calling?

"Then why are you calling?" Griffin responds.

"I just wanted to play a game." The caller says. "Would you like to play a game?"

"No, go call someone else creep." Griffin says hanging up.

That was weird. Why would he call the Tremont just to play a game? Does he not have friends or something?

"Is everything okay?" Harper asks.

The phone rings again.

"Don't hang up on me or i'll gut you like a pig." The caller says.

"Who the hell is this!?" Griffin asks.

What the actual fuck? Was this a joke? Who the hell calls someone to play a game and threatens to gut them when they hang up.

"Do you want to play a game?" They ask again.

"No I don't wanna play a game with you!" Griffin shouts, making the others concerned.

"Wrong choice." They say.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Griffin responds, anxious and concerned.

Suddenly the front door breaks open. There was a person in a ghostface mask, it was the killer they were talking about on the news.

"Run!" Griffin tells the others.

They all start running away as the killer chases them. The killer managed the catch up and stabbed Harper in the shoulder.

"Harper!" Griffin yells.

He was the only one who noticed she got stabbed, the others were still running.

Griffin grabs a vase and smashes it on the killers head. He grabs Harper and they start running again, trying to catch up to the others.

It isn't long before the killer is back up and chasing them again. Topher and the twins managed to get out of the house, assuming Griffin and Harper were right behind them, and were running to get help. Griffin and Harper however we're not right behind them.

As Harper and Griffin were running through the kitchen, ghostface appeared in front of them and stabbed Griffin in the stomach. He then saw the killer about to stab Harper. He threw himself in front of Harper, causing him to get stabbed instead of Harper. The killer then continued to stab Griffin over and over again, until Griffin fell to the floor.

"GRIFFIN!" Harper yells, kneeling down next to him.

"I love you, Harper. I always will." Griffin says, choking on his own blood.

As he puts his hand in mine, he takes his last breath. You can see the life leave his eyes.

"Oh my god." Harper says, tears forming in her eyes. "He- He saved me. He sacrificed himself for me." Tears fall from her eyes as she realizes what just happened. He would die for her, he did die for her. He didn't even hesitate.

But what he didn't know, is that Harper was the other ghostface. She was the other killer, and she was supposed to be the one to kill him.

She's sobbing now, how could she do this to her? How could she have ever been okay with killing him? He loved her.

She's still holding his hand.

"I'm sorry."

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