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My worn sneakers squished water out every time I took a step on the pavement. Looking both ways while crossing the street the rain hit me, and cars splashed me as they drove by soaking my backpack along with everything in it. Looking around as I walked, I picked up the loose change from the side walks and the entry ways of people's shops.

Collecting enough change, I made it to my destination. Opening the cold metal frame of the door, the little bell went off and I slowly walked in side. With every step my sneakers squeaked against the fake tile floor, I made it over to the washer and dryer I always use and looked around. The place was mostly empty, a mother and her daughter drying their clothes and another lady was getting her jacket cleaned but that was about it. I pulled the chair closer to me and sat down sighing, my feet hurt and my stomach is about to eat itself, I'm so hungry. I grabbed my bag opening it and grabbing the wet and dirty clothes, throwing them in the washer. I put in 50¢ and some soap, pressing the blue button as the machine started washing my clothes.

Closing my eyes as I sat back in the chair. My eye lids felt like two bricks as I felt sleep taking over.

"Christoper, I didn't even see you come in. Here baby, take this towel. You must be soaked!" I opened my eyes to see Debra the elderly lady that owned the cleaners, hand me a light yellow towel. I took the towel and started to dry my face and arms, along with my sneakers.

"Thank you Debra." My raspy voice cracked as I talked,

"Anytime baby, you stay safe out there okay? I worry about you some times, you're a very sweet young man." I lightly smiled and nodded my head.

"Thank you Mrs.Blake, I'll try." She nodded and patted my damp shoulder,

"Oh and Christopher when you're clothes are dry, you're welcome to use the employee bathroom in the back." I nodded and thanked her again as she walked off.

Looking back at the washer, I turned in my chair, about to dose off again. Mrs.Blake's cleaning place was probably the most relaxing place to be. It's not the quietest place but the rhythm of the machines makes it soothing.

Waking up, I realized that my clothes were dried and folded sitting on the chain across from me. Confused, I turned in my seat and looked around. The lady and her daughter were gone, so was the lady with the jacket. I looked at the cash register to see the lights off.

Glancing outside it was dark, the opened sign on the door was facing me, so I knew it was after closing time.

I sighed, rubbing my eyes and got up, grabbing my nicely folded clothes and heading it the employee bathroom in the back. Flipping on the light, I shut and locked the door, stripping out of my slightly damp clothes. How long was I asleep? It makes since though, I haven't gotten good sleep in probably six months.

Changing in to my clean clothes, I heard talking coming from down the hall. I grabbed the clothes I just took off, shoving them into my bag, unlocking the door as I saw a little office with the light on.

"Debra?" I asked walking in the office to find a light skinned girl sitting in a black office chair, on the phone. She smiled at me and continued her conversation.

"Okay, see you there, love you bye." She clicked something on her phone and looked at me.

"Um, is Debra here?"

"No, she left a while back and told me to let you sleep. Why do you need something?"

"No. Thanks for letting me sleep though. I needed it." I responded softly,

"No problem, I know that feeling. Well, I'm gonna close up since you're awake." I nodded and walked out to the main area as she turned off all the lights.

I threw my bag over my shoulder, and waited for her to unlock the door. When she did, I nodded at her and started to walk away.

"Um Christopher, is it?" I turned around and lightly chuckled,

"Do you need a ride or anything." I was gonna speak but my stomach beat me to it. She looked down and laughed at the noise my body made.

"Or something to eat? My mom is waiting at the diner, you wanna come?" She smiled, I was hesitant to answer but soon made my decision.

"Nah, I'm good. Thank you though."

"Come on, my mom talked about you for like twenty minutes straight, it'll be my little treat." I smiled and looked at her as she smiled.

"How can I go with someone when I don't even know their name?" I joked as she smiled.

"Sasha" she smiled

"Nice to meet you Sasha. And I would love to." I walked to her as she leaded to her car.

As we were walking I traded her places so that I was the one walking by the street and she was next to the wall. We crossed the street coming face to face with a black and white Range Rover, I was almost completely speechless. Even though it was kind of awkward, I opened her drivers door for her as she hopped in and got positioned in her seat.

Walking around the car I could feel her eyes on me, she watched me open the door and get in as she giggled.

"What?" I asked closing the door and putting my bag by my feet on the floor board.

"Nothing, you ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

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