"It's because of Minho~" Felix teases. He reaches his hands out to pinch Jisung's cheeks, moving his face around. "He's got a big crush. Aww, how cute." He coos.

Jisung starts to groan. He swats Felix's hands away and the boy leans back in his seat laughing. "Very funny. You really got me there.." he rolls his eyes and looks away. Anybody can tell he's smiling though.

Seungmin turns right, into Felix's neighborhood. "So, are we going to dress up tonight?" He asks, looking over to Jisung, then to Jeongin. "Last year everybody loved our outfits and stuff. Should we do it again?"

"That depends," Jeongin says, looking over to Felix. "Do you have nail polish and face paint?" He asks with a knowing smile.

"That's a stupid question." Jisung chimes in.

Felix just giggles. They take another turn onto Felix's street, slowing down to park by the curb. Seungmin turns the key to shut the car off, opening his door to hop out.

The rest of them climb out of the black Jeep like a bunch of clowns, laughing and discussing what kind of silly, extravagant outfits they are going to wear tonight.

"Should we wear pink?" Felix suggests, pulling out his keys to unlock the front door. He pushes it open with his back, facing them with a suggesting look. "We did blue last year, so it makes sense."

"How about we do purple?" Seungmin suggests as he follows the group inside.

Felix frowns. "What's wrong with pink?"

Seungmin shrugs. "Nothing. I just had the purple from Euphoria in mind." He says, entering the kitchen and heading straight to the fridge.

"Oh my god, Euphoria!" Jisung exclaims, throwing his bag on the bench by the door. He skips into the kitchen. "I forgot about that show!"

"Right." Jeongin says, hopping up on the kitchen counter. "It was such a big thing, and now I don't hear anybody talk about it. Remember Euphoria Sundays?"

"We'd always find a way to watch it together." Felix giggles, remembering all the FaceTime calls or the times they'd all show up at his house randomly in the night.

"I'm so scared for season three." Seungmin says, poring a glass of lemonade. "I heard that there is going to be some five year time skip." He looks up at the group. "You guys want some?" He holds up the lemonade.

Jisung nods with food in his mouth, opening the cabinet to grab a glass. He swallows and puts the glass down so Seungmin can pour the liquid in it. "Wait but isn't them being in high school the whole idea of Euphoria? Like unhinged high school students?" He asks.

Jeongin shrugs. "I honestly don't even think there is a plot to Euphoria." He says.

"I think it's one of those shows that has multiple things going on. Like every character has their own problems and that's the whole show." Felix says, taking a seat on the bar stool.

"No," Seungmin shakes his head. "There's a plot."

"Yeah and what would that be?" Jeongin asks.

Seungmin shrugs. "I don't know." He chuckles, "I don't even remember half the show." He says, causing Jeongin to scoff and Jisung and Felix to laugh.

"I think Felix has the most reasonable answer." Jisung motions to him. "I think the show just follows every character's life and stuff."

"How did we even start talking about this?" Felix chuckles. "We were taking about colors for tonight's theme." He gets off the stool and stands up straight. "Which we still didn't decide.."

"I say we do purple in honor of this very random conversation." Jeongin says, hopping off the counter.

"I agree." Seungmin says.

Felix makes his way out of the kitchen, which causes the rest to follow behind him. They head into the living room, while Felix heads to the stairs. Felix looks to Jisung, who shrugs.

"I'm fine with anything."

He smiles. "Alright then, we'll do purple." He says. "I'm going to go get everything, then I'll come back down and we can't get ready." He turns to leave, but turns back immediately. "Wait what time does the party start?"

"Uhh-" Jisung looks to Seungmin.

Seungmin shrugs, looking to Jeongin. Jeongin titls his head. "Me? I don't know. I think like..." he makes a face. "Seven?"

Felix groans. "I'll just ask Chan when he gets here with his little herd." He says. The three boys start to giggle, and Felix smiles before he leaves the living room and heads upstairs to his room.

To grab pink nail polish and face paint. Just kidding. He thought about it though.

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