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Day Off (Ashton Irwin Fluff)

Hey so I had a day off and some Ashton feels which led to me write this. Not really sure if it's that great as I'm on my phone (again) and I've never written fluff before but I hope you guys like it anyway!


I awoke gradually today, which made a change from usual. Rolling onto my side, I felt a rustle under my wrist which was resting on the pillow next to me. Confused, I sat up and saw a note.

"Morning babe,
Sorry I'm not there! Another day of interviews, you know how it goes. I didn't want to wake you as you looked adorable! Call me when you get up sleepyhead, I love you xxx"

It was from my boyfriend, Ashton. As much as I loved being able to go on tour with them, I hated waking up alone. I looked over to where he was sleeping just last night and sighed. Grabbing my phone, I noticed it was almost midday. How did I even sleep so much? At least I wouldn't be tired later, I guess. I sent him a quick text to let him know I was awake. The thought of ringing him ran through my mind, but i panicked for a second as I could imagine his phone going off right in the middle of an interview and I knew how much Ashton hated answering questions about us.
It wasn't always this way, there was a point where he wouldn't even have to think twice about a tweet concerning me or a comment in an interview but well, some of the fans didn't take to me too lightly I guess and things got a bit intense. Hence why I was stuck in this hotel room on my own, we'd all decided that it would just be better for me to stay here and not go with the band to their interviews or photo shoots.

It had been almost an hour, and no reply from Ashton yet. I had managed to occupy myself by watching various shows on Netflix and YouTube, but now I was starting to get worried.
Ashton was the type to reply as soon as he could, he knew I was a bit of a worrier. I was about to dial his number when I heard a knock at the door. Slightly worried, I walked over and pulled it open a notch, to poke my head through the gap.
No way. My mouth dropped as I took in the familiar face before me.

"Ashton?! What are you doing back so early?"I exclaimed, shocked he was back already.
"We're done for today! We only had 2 interviews and a meet and greet. We left around 7am, you lazy so and so. Well let me in then!" he giggled, running a hand through his hair so I opened the door wider and motioned him through.

As soon as he had entered I pulled him close and hugged him, probably far tighter than he would have liked, but I honestly hadn't expected to see him for hours yet. It was crazy how much I missed him when he wasn't there, I don't know how I coped before when I couldn't join him on tour.

"Aw, did you miss me?"
"Duh. I always miss you. Have you got anything else booked for today?" I enquired, silently praying the answer was no as I removed myself from his embrace and walked over to the bed to sit down.
Ashton followed me, joining me on the bed crossed legged as he told me he now had a free day.
"So whatever my princess wants to do, sounds good to me!"
I always hated pet names, at least until Ashton had whispered "Princess" in my ear many months ago and made me tremble. I looked into his golden eyes and forgot my words for a second, before shaking my head abruptly and smiling at him. Sometimes I couldn't believe he was my boyfriend. The messy haired person sitting in front of me grinning like an idiot.

I forced myself off the bed to look out the window as I had a few ideas of how we could spend the day, but I quickly realised when I peeked outside that they would all have to be saved for another time. A crowd of at least 60 people were gathered outside the boys' hotel. I sighed.
"What's up babe?" Ashton asked looking up at me, worried. I think he could tell I was little upset.
"Ah, nothing. I thought maybe we could go out for a late lunch or something but I think we might get trampled if we step outside." I replied with a half-hearted laugh.
Don't get me wrong, I loved how much the fans adored him and the majority of them were always lovely to me as I guess they could see how happy we were. But the few times we had attempted to go out in public together had resulted in Ashton being mobbed and me getting thrown around, mistaken for another fan. Once I even had to meet him back in the tour bus because he was surrounded so much to the point I couldn't even see him anymore.

Looking down at him, he chuckled and reached an arm up to pull me down into his lap.
"Well" he said, resting his head on my shoulder "I think a day of movies, cuddles and pizza sounds perfect."
He always knew how to cheer me up as now I wasn't feeling so disheartened.
"I'll order the pizza now." I replied, smiling.
"I'll pick the film!!" I swear he got so overexcited about the smallest things, but it was one of the many things I loved about him. To be honest I was happy with whatever he put on as it was just nice to spend time with him.

With the pizza ordered, and the film all ready (Ashton had chosen finding nemo, It was either that or an AC/DC documentary) we snuggled into the barely-double bed as he threw the duvet over us. Luckily the weather wasn't too great so it was a perfect day for this, and I think Ashton was thinking the same thing.

The rest of the day was spent eating the pizza that had finally arrived, laughing at each other's stupid jokes and just being close with each other. We filled the gaps with kisses here and there, but we didn't need anymore than that today, being this close was enough. Feeling the warmth of Ashton's hands in mine and the slight thump of his heartbeat as I laid my head on his chest made me feel so at peace. It was days like these that made me feel like the luckiest girl alive.
"Today has been almost as perfect as you" he whispered.



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