in dyvans room

Beginne am Anfang

Neesha: okay she getting use to Corey *leaves dyvns room*

Lexi: *goes back to George and snuggles in*

Neesha: hey Jake can I speak to you

Jake: yea

Neesha: so if i'm gonna move in here i'm gonna have to tell why I don't like you right

Jake: yea

Neesha: why I don't like you is because you scare me a little i don't know why you just do but maybe being around you meant change

Jake: i understand

Neesha: maybe we could have one on one time once I have settled down here

Jake: ok

Neesha: there's that sort of you know where Colby is or uncle Elton is iam gonna have to get more use on saying that

Jake: ok

Sam: what's happening here neesha you okay

Neesha: yea

Sam: nothing I need to do to Jake

Jake: u alright like Sam?

Sam: yep just looking out for neesha here

Jake:im not gonna hurt her

Sam: I know neesha what u doing anyways

Neesha: i came to speak to uncle elton

Sam: he in his room I'll show where that is

Neesha: thanks

Lexi: *ordering pin badges  while sat on georges lap*

Sam: here's uncle Elton room

Neesha: thanks *knocks*

Elton: who is it!?


Elton: hey neesha what up come in

Neesha: *goes in*

Elton: what's up

Neesha: i was wondering if i can move in here with u all

Elton: sure we be happy to have you here as you feel like family now anyways

Neesha: Thanks i spoke to my sister

Elton: what did she say about this whole thing

Neesha: shes ok with it

Elton: do you wanna tell the gang now and I can have a house meeting

Neesha: yea dyvan knows but i don’t want it to scare my sister the house meeting

Elton: me and you can tell them one by one if you like that

Neesha: it will be better for my sister

Elton: okay who do you wanna tell Frist

Neesha: Colby and Sam

Elton: okay come on then

Neesha: coming

Elton: *gose downstairs and gets Sam and colby Into his room *

Lexi: *hides into george close*

Sam: everything okay uncle elton?

Elton: yep neesha here wants to say something

Neesha: i'm moving in boys

Colby: no way baby

Neesha: yes way

Sam: when?

Neesha: today

Sam: that means you have to drive back home to pack all your things

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