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hello! this is Li, I wrote this story because I recently read about the disease below mentioned, I am sorry if I had not done my research properly!

this story contains

1. angst (I cannot write proper angst.)

2. cheating

3. Alternate Universe

if you are uncomfortable with any of this above mentioned please leave! creative criticism is always welcome!

I am not proud of the mistakes I made unknowingly in this story, please feel free to correct my grammar kindly.

I own this story line and the female lead of this story, the Idols mentioned in the story is not mine, and the characteristics of the Idol is not true, he is very Kind in real life.

this is a one shot , maybe I will upload another Part after it gains views.

thank you for choosing this story, please enjoy reading it!


Today was the day my husband is going into Military service, he quit his job because it would take at least 2.5 years for him to return,

I have never been more sad in my entire life, I have my own job money is never a problem I am a only child in the family,

I was an attention seeker for the most part of my life and Seokjin always filled my appetite for attention, we love each other so much.

I cannot just help it okay?

I have been habituated to utmost attention, you can blame me for not changing when I was mature enough.

But I married Jin at the age of 23 and it has been 3 years

I know I frustrate him so much because of my constant need for attention, he treats me like a princess, whatnot

He is 27 now and so handsome that I cannot take my eyes off him, I would miss him so much.

Now the apple of my eye is leaving me and going into the military, though I am sad I do not want him to worry so much about me

So I tried to be happy for him, but he is reluctant I can see it but it is our fate,

I completed my military service at the age of 20, I joined early at 18.

It was difficult there but I really hope that my sweetheart manages there and come back to me with the same health and smile.

It was 9 in the morning and Jin was getting ready for the enlistment

I went behind him for a back hug and for a second he went stiff and wordlessly continued to comb his hair

"I will miss you, sweetheart," I said and he mumbled and said "I will miss you too, Lee"

"But now I have to go, I packed all the things, even if they give me leave I will call you because Mom said I should not go here, if you get pregnant you would be alone and that is not good."

He is still a mama's boy, of course, it hurts me but what will I do? Force him to meet me going against his mother's will that would never happen even if I die.

Maybe I am exaggerating but yeah, I being the attention seeker felt like that and once he got ready he went toward the door.

Turning towards me after he reached the door he smiled with tears in his eyes and gave me a flying kiss and waved his hand and shouted, "Bye Sera."

Fragmented - A Jin ffWhere stories live. Discover now