Jin: "I am so sorry"

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Requested by: Kaisahsparkle

Jin woke up early that morning, excited to prepare breakfast for his beloved brothers. He remembered that he had bought some fresh seafood the previous day, and without thinking, he added it to the dish he was preparing. He was so caught up in his excitement that he didn't even remember that Namjoon was allergic to shellfish.

As they all sat down to eat, Jin couldn't help but feel proud of his cooking skills. "Oh wow hyung this tastes great!" Jungkook said and all the others agreed. But then half way through the meal, Namjoon suddenly started coughing and wheezing, his face turning red and his eyes watering. Panic set in as they all realized what had happened. Jin had accidentally put shellfish in Namjoon's food.

Jin was feeling devastated and guilty as he watched Namjoon struggling to breathe. He knew he had made a grave mistake by forgetting about Namjoon's allergy. The rest of BTS, who were trying to keep Namjoon calm, turned their attention to Jin.

"Jin, how could you forget about Namjoon's allergy? You know how serious it is!" Yoongi scolded.

Jin hung his head in shame, tears streaming down his face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt him," he cried.

"G-guys it's n-not Ji-Jin's fau-" Namjoon was cut off by his own coughing.

"I AM SO SORRY" Jin yelled while crying

"You can apologize later, let's just first get Namjoon to the hospital," Hoseok said, trying to keep his voice steady.

The ride to the ambulance was very awkward. Yoongi went with Namjoon in the ambulance while the others followed them by their car. Hoseok was focusing very hard to drive properly and not the break down, the maknaes were hugging each other while sobbing in the back seat, while Jin was crying quietly with his head down. No one exchanged a single word.

When they arrived at the hospital, the members' anger and disappointment towards Jin only grew stronger. Jungkook was especially upset. "Do you have any idea how serious this is? You could have killed him!" he yelled.

Jin felt like he was drowning in guilt and shame. He knew he had made a huge mistake, and he couldn't take it back. He sat quietly in the waiting room while the others paced back and forth, waiting for news about Namjoon's condition.
The doctor came to announce that Namjoon is okay but they have to keep him for a few days to monitor him. Since the visiting hours were over, they couldn't see him so they went back to their home.
When they got home, no one exchanged a single word and went back to their respective rooms.

As the days went by and Namjoon was still in the hospital, the other members began to distance themselves from Jin. They barely spoke to him, and when they did, it was only to criticize him.

"Jin, you need to be more careful. You can't just forget about someone's allergies like that" Taehyung scolded him.

He missed Namjoon terribly, and he longed for his friend's comforting presence. But whenever he tried to reach out to the other members, they all turned away from him, refusing to listen.

When Namjoon was finally discharged from the hospital, Yoongi and Hoseok went to pick him up. As they brought him home, Jin came running to him, eager to see how he was doing.
"How are you Joonie?" Jin asked
"I am great hyung" Namjoon said with a comforting smile.
But when he tried to touch Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok blocked him.
"Don't pretend to care for him. Just stay away from our leader!" Hoseok spat out.

Jin felt his heart breaking as he saw the coldness in his friends eyes. He had never felt so alone and rejected before.
He could the see sympathy in Namjoon's eyes for him. Namjoon was about to protest but suddenly the maknae line came asking about his health and once he said he is fine they took him to his bedroom, leaving Jin standing there feeling hurt. He tried to reach out to them, but they all turned away from him, refusing to listen.

Jin spent the night alone in his room, crying himself to sleep. He couldn't believe how much his mistake had cost him. He missed Namjoon terribly and felt like he had lost all of his friends.

The next day, Jin woke up feeling sick. He had a fever and was dizzy, but when he tried to tell the others, but they didn't believed him.

"Oh now you want some attention now huh?"
"Stop pretending to be sick hyung!"
"Ofc now you are sick my dear hyung."
"Stop this drama hyung!"
"Ah why are you so annoying hyung!"

Whenever Namjoon tried to approach him, he was taken away by the others.

Jin spent the day in his room, feeling more and more isolated and abandoned.

It was the next day, Yoongi and Hoseok were preparing breakfast while the rest except Jin were all sitting in the kitchen.

"Don't you guys think that you all are being too harsh?" Namjoon said.

"What do you mean? He made such a big mistake!" Jungkook spat out.

"Common guys! IT WAS A MISTAKE AND MISTAKES HAPPEN! It's not like he did it intentionally. Can't you see he is sick now?!" Namjoon yelled, Jungkook looked down feeling guilty.

"You are right Joon hyung," Jimin said "We are being too harsh." Tae continued.

"We will talk to him when he will come." Hoseok said and they all agreed.

But then, while Jin was coming towards the kitchen, he suddenly fainted. Everyone panicked. Namjoon rushed to his side a put his head on his lap while Jungkook sprinkled water on his face. But it didn't did anything. Yoongi had already called the ambulance.

"I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry" Jungkook continuously repeated this while sobbing and Tae and Jimin hugged him, also while crying. Hoseok was crying too. Yoongi and Namjoon too had tears in their eyes but they knew that the had to be there for the rest.

They took Jin to the hospital and were waiting for his news. They realized how wrong they had been to ignore him and blame him for Namjoon's accident. They had let their anger get the best of them and had forgotten about their friend in the process.
"Why just why we had to do this!" Yoongi said.
"We are horrible friends!" Jimin sobbed.
"Hyungie is going to be fine right?" Tae asked. "Don't worry, hyung is strong." Namjoon replied

When Jin finally woke up, the members were there by his side, apologizing and begging for his forgiveness.

"We-we are so sorry hyung." Jungkook cried.
"Hyung we couldn't think right." Hoseok cried.
"Hyung we were so mean to you!" Jimin said while tearing up.
"We won't do this ever again hyungie." Tae cried.
"Please forgive us hyung" Yoongi said

"Oho it's fine it was also my fault though." Jin said weakly.

"No hyung, we were just too much." Jimin said.

"Aishh! Forget all this now give me a hug." Jin said while opening his arms and they all hugged him.

This all was observed by none other than by a smiling Namjoon. He was looking at them like a proud dad.
"This is going to be a new start for our friendship." He whispered to himself.

That day, they all made a promise to each other to never ignore any of them. And no matter what the situation is, they will always be there for each other.

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