
Not long after the bell goes all papers are handed in and all the tests/drawings/painting are in the office ready to be marked by professionals.

Idk what qualifications you need to be professional at marking teenagers tests,not like I'm judging the weirdness off it.

Which I am.

But I have no place too.

But still odd how you have a life goal to be one..


// everyone's gone home except from caden and Isaiah 😉😉

"Sirrr,I'm bored.." he says smiling at me.

"No,not today."

"I don't know who's ass your dicks been in,"

"Well,sir, I can say the same to you."

"Well I'm not a slut for pretending to be a top,am I?"

"Shush asshole."

"Isn't it funny how you pretend to be all top energy but when your near me you back down and fall backwards,somethings amusing about how you roll back your eyes,tilt back your head and moan my name then go back to the attitude,in the span of 10 minutes?"

He looks up at me as I somehow moonwalked towards him and I'm now towering above him.

"S-sir..." he whines shifting uncomfortably underneath my gaze.

"Don't act all shy now,i know what a bad boy you can be.." I whisper the last bit in his ear.

"S-shut u-up" he says trying to escape from me.

I wrap my hands around his waist and rest them on his hips .

My hands fall back underneath his ass and I pick him up and place him on the table.

"S-sir what happened to, 'no not today?" He says.

It was a actual question so I ignore it.

"I guess I've changed my mind?"

"Is that okay with you?"

He nods looking away from me.

"Do you not like me looking into your pretty eyes."

I place my finger under his chin making him look at me.

He shakes his head and I smile.

"So,why'd you fuck hayes?"I question fillimg up with rage.

"Because I-I was bored.."he answer trying to look away but I put my finger under his chin again.

"I'm just going to punish you harder,aren't I?" I say.

"N-no?" He asks,says,I don't know.

"Oh,yes I will.."

"S-sir I don't think that's needed," he says.

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