"I wasn't saying anything. You're out of your mind." She gave him an incredulous stare, muttering speech about how crazy he's always been beneath her breath.

"Then stop thinking so loud." She continued to stare at him like he's lost his mind somewhere. He is starting to think so too.

That didn't flatter him from adding, jeeringly of course. "I can hear all the dirty things going through your mind because you have my triceps around you. I had no idea you were this cheap."

Her mouth gaped like a fish while she struggled to find something to say. Is she blushing? He'd pay a million to make sure that is what he is seeing in the darkened space but she narrowed her eyes before he could peruse further. Was she thinking about him for real?

Why did his heart took a large leap in his chest though? Where is that damn organ soaring to now?

Instead of backlashing out like he'd expected her too, she let out a smile. She had dazzling, piano key teeth and a star-radiant smile. No wonder men crawl around from all over the world for just a glimpse of her. Everything physical about her is in contrast with her personality.

"I hate you. There is no way any dirty thought about you would cross my mind. Stop thinking ahead of yourself or I'll think you've fallen hard for me." Madina watched him from below her lashes like a jezebel.

She had spider's-leg eyelashes and orbit-shaped eyes. A pert and dainty nose sat unapologetically in the middle of her siren face.

Seeing as she's turned his own words around, he shook his head. She will never change. "I don't get why you hate me when I'm this lovely... and of course, handsome like you've said."

Madina huffed out a breath and tuck a strand of hair behind her trim ear. "I don't lie. You are handsome and you know that you are so don't pretend."

The light from her phone go off unexpectedly earning a shriek from Madina. She scrambled to Bilal's arms again, her apprehensive voice mumbling how stupid she was for not charging her phone.

Bilal was quiet, really not knowing what to say with her pressure against him. The way she naturally fell into his arm like he's her knight in shining armor and not the boss she detested.

The feminine smell of her was a potent aphrodisiac, causing him to respond like any rutting bull in heat, and he either had to have her or find some way of getting rid of this new burning desire for her. The latter is more reasonable.

Bilal sat down on the deeply shadowed rectangular elevator, cradling her in his arms like he would a bairn.

"I've got you. Relax your mind." His dark head bending over her as she shuddered and moved her arms around his neck.

She closed her eyes tightly as he murmured incomprehensible phrases into her wig -his tone was soothing, low and gentle, inconceivably tender. Madina couldn't believe how things were rapidly changing.

She obeyed him, letting the warmth of his body seep into her skin, into her flesh, into her very bones, until the trembling stopped. His brutal strength was no longer something she had to contend against. No, all at once it had become her protection, bent around her in a shield.

She would never be this close to him again and she wanted to remember... she had never felt so safe, comforted, protected in her life.

"I'm afraid of the dark." She murmured softly, her head buried some more in the comfort of his powerful arms.

A rumble came from his chest making her giggle at how ticklish it felt against her cheek. "No shit, Einstein."

"I'm gonna need a therapy after this." She grumbled on his shoulder, goosebumps spiking all over her body for the first time since ever.

Bilal chortled, the low sound coming straight from his throat and out in the dark space like gossamer from Eden. "Book the same therapist for both of us. We really need it."

"Because you feel too amazing in my arms. And not in a sensual way. I need that therapy more than you, darling." Bilal thought in his head, a frown marring his features. This cannot be good at all.

Giving a broken sigh, she rested her head on his broad shoulder while his broad chest rose and fell steadily beneath her.

Madina did not know how much time passed by as she relaxed against him, but gradually it seemed that she had floated into the middle of the sweetest dream imaginable. A dreamless sleep she's coveted.

His lips touched her forehead, sending an exciting chill down her spine, and his muscled arm tightened under the back of her neck as he eased her head higher. But that should be in the dream right? Bilal didn't kiss her, hmm?

That would've been so weird and stupid of him. Even embarrassing if she's honest.

When she started getting deeper into her sleep, he tugged at her wig, almost removing it from her head. Madina sat up and swatted his hand away from her expensive hair.

"Don't touch my hair!" She warned in a groggy voice that is hefty with sleep and exhaustion. And he thought he was the only tired one there.

A chuckle escaped him again, this one nasty and unfriendly. "Is that really your hair? Let's be honest with each other since you hate fake people. Don't be fake too."

Scooting a little farther away from his wandering hand, she mocked. "Mine is makeup while yours... I don't even know. It's fucked up."

His voice didn't lose that lightheartedness when his next words drifted from somewhere far away. Where'd he go? She thought in panic. "C'mon, don't be so harsh. And I'm curious about what your real hair looks like."

Madina unconsciously started searching for him. She hates being alone in the dark and when she felt his jeans beneath her fingers, she let out a sigh. The guy is trying to tug her around like a dog in a leash. Seriously why move away when he knew she was afraid of the dark?

"It's dark, you won't be able to see. Not that I'm ever going to show you what it looks like." She rolled her eyes at that. Not many people have seen her hair anyway.

"Aww, you don't have natural hair. What's this funny Hausa word again?" He was quiet, short chortles flowing from his side making her smile at how carefree he sounded.

"Yes! Here is the word. It is hard so listen well. Kwaikwaido." And he burst out laughing making her reluctantly join him.

The word is so funny and when her friends would call her that while she was just thirteen, Madina used to bawl her eyes out to Misha. Then she found out about attachments and started paying hard earned money to get them done. Since she wasn't rich then, she'd let it stay in her head for more than two months.

"Don't ever try speaking Hausa again. I take God beg you! You sound like someone forced a rat down your throat just to pronounce one word." She let out one last chuckle before she leaned her head on the elevator wall behind her, wrapping her arms around her knees.

"It's been a while." Bilal murmured wistfully. Words taking double meaning.

"Yeah." Madina whispered understanding the thousands of meanings beneath the four sentence.

Last chapter has 0 I mean ZERO comments! And you will start asking for an update later when I don't update. This is not done guyssss. So not doneeeee. You want update? You tell me what you think at the end of each chapter. It's heartbreaking. Or are we fighting????????🫥

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