: Chapter 2

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Kane's POV.

"Tonight, midnight come to my room." I read out loud.

"Why would he ask that?" I said blank staring at the phone. He has been acting up lately, either coming in my room and messing it up or asking me to hangout at his room at midnight! Midnight! Why midnight?.. he's so weird. Oh well, I'm kinda hungry, let's see what these boys are up to.

Third POV.

As Kane went downstairs, he remembered that Regie left with Oli, and since the rest of the members are terrible cooks. He had only two choices, make his own breakfast and risk it.. or ask for Darren's help. But he really didn't want to talk to him at the moment.

Just as Kane was zoned out in the middle of the kitchen, suddenly he felt tight arms wrapped around his stomach. He looked behind to take a look, as his face was mere centimeters from the other. There stood the one and only, Darren. Kane could feel his heavy hot breathe on his skin, which gave him shivers.

"What now?" Kane asked, really not wanting to deal with him right now. "Why didn't you reply to me, idiot" Darren said annoyed. "Sorry, I forgot to. Yeah sure, I'll do whatever you want" he said as he pushed Darren with his hand ever so slowly to tease him. Darren looked at the older's actions with a smirk. Once again, he held that hand, pulling Kane closer. As he gave a look screaming dominance.

Kane's cheeks grew brighter as he tried to avoid the younger's gaze. "Let me go." He managed to say, at the same exact moment, Darren let go. Kane looked at him questionably. "What's up with you? You're not really like this, at least not with me" he forced a laugh, although deep down, he didn't like the thought of that..

"It's nothing, I'll see you later" he said firmly.
Timeskip: 12:03 AM.

Still Third POV.

"Darren did ask for me to go see him.. but God, I'm so tired" He thought out loud, rubbing his face down with his hand. "Y'k what.. I don't want to fight tomorrow morning" he said pushing himself up from his bed as he walked across the hallway to Darren's room. Just as he was about to knock, the door opened and someone pulled him in. Obviously, no other than Darren. Kane got startled, did he really have to do that?

–Some touchy touchy stuff after this, read at your own risk, probably 14+ idek–

Darren shut the door and the minute, Kane was held against the door. "Darren?... What is this supposed to mean" Kane asked confused. Darren stared into Kane's eyes, "know damn well, I can't get drunk Kane." He laughed "what?.." Kane pushed Darren away hard. "First, don't touch me like that, second, are you sick or something?" He asked, pointing the obvious. "No, just drunk" Darren laughed again. Kane just couldn't believe him, he's still underage, and plus Ty would know if he bought any drink. " Darren, I think yo-" he was cut off by Darren grabbing him by the waist. He pushed him to the wall and pressed on him with his body, now their bodies touching. Kane shivered from the sudden touch, his face warmed up, as he looked away.

Kane couldn't expect what happened next.. Darren moved his leg in between kane's legs. Trying to come off bold, as he smirked looking the older up and down. Kane put his hands on Darren's chest, really trying to push him off. But when Darren wants something, he won't let it go.

Kane's face with so fucking red like it was an Asian glow. Darren chuckled at the sight, Kane looked so vulnerable, he never knew he could see him this way ever. But at the same time.. Kane looked cute.. wait..what is he thinking?! Kane isn't cute! No! At least that's what he thought.

As Darren was zoned out, Kane managed to slip from under him, he dropped down quickly and crawled out for freedom. He went to the other side of the room, far away from darren, holding a pillow again. "Darren, whatever you're doing it's not funny, I'm going to my room, please don't touch me" Kane said, the sound of fear is in his voice. Darren couldn't believe it, he made him scared. shit.

Darren slowly approached Kane. "wait.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he said as he got closer to Kane. Fortunately, Kane didn't move or flinch, he trusts quite easily and so he trusted Darren. "okay.. I believe you, now why did you call me here?" Darren raised his hand looking at Kane as in asking for permission, Kane didn't know what he wanted to do.. but he trusted him, he trusted him... Kane gave a smile of reassurance which Darren melted at the sight of. The younger reached for the other's hand and interlocked their fingers.

Kane didn't expect that at all, his hand, his body, everything, seemed accepting to Darren's touch. Kane smiled in return for Darren's actions. 'Ugh. Damn it, how can I control myself when he's acting like this?! Hold it Darren..' the younger thought as he pulled the other into a hug. Lightly rubbing down kane's back, which sent him shivers down. Kane sighed, he finally figured it out. The guy in front him was horny af.

Darren kept on touching Kane from the back, although he kept his hand away from places, he probably shouldn't go to. Seems like the guy has been holding on waaaay too long. As awkward silence, roamed the room. Kane had to break it. "D-Darren.." he stuttered due to Darren's touch he doesn't expect each time. "I think that's enough of that." He said, bringing their faces close. The tension was high, and no one.. no one could interrupt them.

(I didn't poison the boys, pinky promise. 👼🏻)

Darren let go, Kane whined at the sudden lost of touch. Maybe he actually did like it.. denial. Kane sat back on the bed letting out a breathe. As he patted the spot next to him, and pushed himself down. Darren followed, and sat by him. He also laid down and now their heads are so close and hairs tangled softly together in a beautiful mix of both purple and black. "You should sleep Darren, and we can talk.. about what happened tomorrow" he said looking over at the still horny guy, flashing the brightest smile.

Darren frowned, but had to agree. He sighed "alright fine, but take your short ass away from here" he seemed to be getting back to his senses. Kane smiled in return, kinda glad the Darren he's always been used to, is back. "You sure you want me to leave?" Kane teased.

'Oh my fucking god, Kane. Just leave bro you're making this so much harder than it should be' he thought. "Obviously, I don't want your ass here" Darren rolled his eyes while Kane laughed. Kane had sudden energy and wanted to annoy Darren for 'revenge'. "Oh daaaarren~ I'm not going anywhere" He said teasingly as he got up and hovered over Darren.

Darren bit his lip, 'why is he doing this, and now?!' he thought again. Suddenly, Darren's hands were on the other's hips. But darren told himself that it isn't his fault, it's all Kane.

"Kaner.. I don't think I can hold it any longer"

woo, chapter finished. Too much words to be honest,
I have a question, do tell me if I should write less or more because idk 😭

Word count: 1276 👼🏻

have a great day!~

Love Shot Or Shoot Love? (Dane: Darren X Kane) [Discontinued].Where stories live. Discover now