Getting you from Chan [Pt.2]

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Y/n pov

After Chan said those words, I felt my body getting numb. I felt my head going heavy. Chan left while I'm here stuck. I held the wall for support when my hand landed on some black box. I couldn't see it properly. I held my head up straight when I saw something... I saw..... A M*rder
A person... k!lled a guy with a sword. That person looked tall, and had long legs and.... wore clothes that were looking plain jeans with a white shirt tucked in, leather coat topping off the look. The hair...
Argh! I can't remember..... Lightings flashed when the person looked at the lifeless body. I closed my eyes after seeing that. I opened my eyes and took mere 15 minutes to process what I just saw. I realized that it was a...Vision
Since when did I get Wednesday Addams' powers?I couldn't believe what just happened and not gonna lie, It was scary. I went to the restroom to do my business.

Back to Korea
Jungkook POV
I've made plans to bring Chan back here. Mr.Lee is talking over the phone to Chan's assistant. We are going to make a prank call to say that one of Chan's companies has been robbed. So obviously, he must come here.


Y/n pov.
For the past 5 days, I've been getting visions of a person stabbing another person, a marriage and a trip in flight. Not gonna lie, It's kinda getting true. I came back to Korea on a flight with Chan and I'm getting married next week. About the murder....... It's still a mystery to crack. I also had visions of a couple hugging each other in a local park. Like... girlfriend and boyfriend meeting each other after a long time..... They just go and hug without thinking twice.

I am actually in the park because Chan left me here for some reason.
I was gazing at the kiddos playing here though they're parents were screaming to bring the kids back home.

I saw a familiar figure walking across me. I didn't care about it as I continued to think of something. The stranger approached me and called out "Lovee!"

I flinched so hard! I took a goooood look of that guy and tears formed in the corner of my eyes. The person whom I wanted to see. The person whom I think is the king who rules my world. The King whom I call "MY LOVE"

I hugged him without thinking twice. I rest my head on his huge, buffy manly chest while sobbing hard. He held me by my waist, tightly as a loud sob escaped my mouth while I was sniffing and brought myself together to talk. He looked at me and spoke

Jk - Bubba did he hurt you?
I nodded in response
Jk - That guy must be dropping all his plans to extend his generation cause I'mma kill him... by a process called slow death. Let's go!


Jungkook held my hand and pulled me with him. I just walked 2 steps and suddenly I felt my head going heavy, meaning I am going to have another vision. I closed my eyes and glimpsed the vision. A girl and boy were walking when another male hit the female's head with a metal rod making her lose balance and fall. She was very weak to stand up and fight. She watched her lover fight and at last, when she couldn't keep her eyes open, she witnessed her boyfriend getting stabbed.

I came back to reality when Jungkook called my name. My breath was unstable and I decided to leave soon. Right then, I saw Chan come from afar. Jungkook and I left the park.

We were about to reach Jungkook's car when someone hit me with a cold, metal rod. I fell down when blood oozed out from my head and I couldn't keep my eyes open.I tried hard to because I want to survive. I saw Jungkook and Chan fighting like maniacs. I was about to close my eyes when I saw a blurred image of Jungkook being stabbed by Chan.

I closed my eyes when I heard Jungkook let out a groan.

Time Skip

A/n pov
Chan and Y/n are back to NYC, Y/n has a minor injury in her head which gives her more visions than ever! She became depressed after seeing her dear mafia bf d!e infront of her eyes.

Chan entered her room with food and said
"Dared to disobey your master, you get what you will"

Her eyes grew wider after hearing what Chan said.
She tried to run when Chan harshly held her hair, making it painful for Y/n. She got a vision again....In the wrong time. A girl was in her wedding attire, looking at her own reflection in the mirror, shedding tears. She was in deep thoughts when a man knocked on the window. He broke in and hugged her. She didn't flinch a bit and stood still. The man tied her mouth after giving her a drvg to pass out.
She opened her eyes and took a deep breath while Chan gripped her hair much harshly, making her wince in pain. Chan took advantage of this scenario and decided to k!$$ her.
Y/n being a badass, held his hands and gave a strong kick on abdomen, which made him hold his stomach and stay in that position for a while.

She escaped from Chan.

She went to the Guard and said "Your boss is hurt! He needs medical attention!!"
The guards rushed to Chan's room and took him to the hospital while Y/n was hacking Chan's mobile.


Y/n Pov.
I hacked Chan's phone and dialed a 3-digit number

Y/n - Hello, NYC Police? I would like to report a kidnap and attempted murder case, Please. Name? Chan Yeong Cheol. I'm the one who's kidnapped. He took me from Korea, South Korea. Please help me!
I told this in a hurry but I realized that this phone number is from South Korea, meaning it won't work in the US. Ah fck! I'm dumb!
Chan bursted into the room all of a sudden and I flinched like crazy!
He screamed. I was calm enough to answer him back with the amount of sass I have since birth.
Y/n - Do I look like I care about your b*llsh!t words?
Chan became more mad.
I stayed calm, though my heart was ready to come out through my mouth.
Calm down me! Anyways, Didn't I tell you? That......



Hey fellow readers!! I finally wrote the story for 1114 words. I feel happy for myself. These days, The chapters I wrote seem very small like the 2nd part of FMTCG. I was pretty much stressed from a few things that are eating my head for nothing. I'll try to write more. ILOVEYALLBYEESEEYAINTHENEXTCHAPTER!

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