Chapter 6 - "Darlin', We Have a Problem."

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Later That Night
Jax's POV:

I was sitting on the bed in my room before I would move some more of my stuff into Victoria's room. I was so excited to have her heart, now. I could hardly wait to call her room "our" room.

"You need any help, babe?" My girlfriend asked as she peeked in the room.

"Nah, I'm just sittin' down for a moment, sweetheart." I chuckled slightly. She gave me a smile in return. God, I loved her smile.

"Alrighty. I'll be in the room if you need me." She sighed.

"Well, I need ya right now." I said softly. She raised an eyebrow.

"I need your presence, darlin'. I haven't had your heart until today, and I want to be around you."

She smirked, and walked over to me.

"Can you do me a favor?" She surveyed me.

"Of course." I replied.

"Can I have a kiss?"

Without replying, I took her face into my hands, and pulled her in for a kiss.

When we pulled away, I saw the hunger in Victoria's eyes. She wanted more.

I pulled her in again, this time, the kiss was more heated. Our tounges intertwined. It reminded me of the night I talked in my sleep.


Without pulling away from the kiss, I reached down for my phone, and pulled away from my girlfriend before I answered it.

"Hello?" I panted.

"Jax, I have some news for you." My mother said in a frustrated tone.

"What is it, mom?"

"Tara's back in town."

I was silent for a moment.

"Mom, say that again?"

"Jax! Tara is back in town!" She scowled.


I then hung up.

"What, Jax? What is it?"

"Baby, I gotta go. I'll be right back, I promise."

"Did one of the guys get shot? I'll beat the shit outta whoever did it-"

"No, it's not that."

"Then what is it?!"

"Darlin', we have a problem." I breathed out.

"I know! I'm aware! What is the problem?"

"Tara. She's back."

She rolled her tounge against the inside of her cheek. Anger flushed her face.

"That bitch." She mumbled through gritted teeth.

"Babe, stop-"

"I don't want you fucking her!" She cried.

"I won't!"

"Then why are you leaving?" She asked. I wrapped my arms around her waist to stop her from doing anything else.

"I'm gonna confront her." I said into her ear.

"I can do it." She growled.

"You wanna do it? You wanna confront Tara?"

She took a few deep breathes before replying with, "Yes, I do."

"Okay, I'm gonna let you." I replied calmly. She turned to me.

"Can I punch her?" She asked. I smirked slightly, then nodded. A smile crept onto her face, and she ran outside.

"Babe!" I shouted before she hopped onto my bike. "I'm going with!"

"Can I drive, though?!" She hollered.

"Yeah, why not?!"

She put on the black helmet that was in my saddlebag, and she started up the motorcycle. I jogged over to the bike, and hopped on behind her; wrapping my arms around her waist. I can tell she loved that.

~Time Skip~
20 Minites Later
Victoria's POV:

I hopped off of the bike as soon as I turned it off in Tara's driveway. I took off the helmet, and set it in the saddlebag.

I marched up the steps, and onto her doorstep. I then knocked.


"Oh, hey, Victoria." She said just as she opened the door.

"Hey." I replied while doing that nod thing that guys to do one another to greet other guys.

"Uh, might wanna get that door oiled up." I pointed out.

"Yeah, just moved back here a few days ago. I've been staying inside to get unpacked, though. Went out to eat a few times, but that's it." She said.

"By the way, I think there's another thing that needs a little somethin' just to shut it up." I chuckled.

"What is it?" She asked, obviously confused.

"Can I show you?"

"Yeah, come in-"


I lifted my hand that was balled up into a fist, and punched Tara square in the mouth. She held her mouth, and looked down at the floor in shock.

"I told ya it would shut it up!" I chuckled. She looked up, and clearly saw Jax standing behind me. I didn't know what kind of expression he wore on his face. I was too proud due to looking at Tara's facial expression.

"Jax!" She gasped.

"I'm not here to save you, Tara." He stated. She had a look of heartbreak in her dark eyes.


The way she looked at me just said aloud that she was jealous.

I grabbed her by the ear, and I said sternly, "You stay away from my man, you little hijo de puta. I swear, if you go near him, I will rip out your vocal cords and your eyes so you can never see, nor speak to him again. You hear me?"

She nodded vigorously.


I then let go of her ear, and pushed her a bit.

"Have a goodnight, Tara!" I said sweetly before closing the door. I looked back at Jax.

"I love you more than what I thought I did now." He laughed. I laughed a bit, too.

"What the fuck does 'hijo de puta' mean?" He chuckled.

"It means 'son of a bitch' in Spanish." I replied. He snickered a bit.

"You're perfect. I always knew you were from the day that I met you." He said before pulling me closer to him.

"Same here, Jackson Teller." I responded, not wanting to let go of him.

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