"What the?" Yuu says, not paying attention to her surroundings.

"Floyd, no! Not so hard!" Jamil screams.

"Hm?" Yuu squeaks, looking up.

A basketball suddenly appears less than an inch from Yuu's face, then slams into her. Yuu rolls down the bleachers, then stops on the gym floor.

"Yuu, are you ok?!" Ace shouts, rushing towards her.

Yuu groans then her body stops moving.


Yuu wakes up in the infirmary and walks outside. She sits on a bench and is surprised by the agent from earlier coming out of the bushes.

"If you help us get Crowley, we could upgrade your living conditions," The agent proposes, sitting next to Yuu.

"Why are you talking to me? There are plenty of other students you can scheme with," Yuu replies, holding her pack of ice on her head.

"You're special. Think of my proposal, and things might turn around for you. By the way, the name's Fabuloso. Remember it," Agent Fabuloso says, handing Yuu a red rose.

Fabuloso walks away and disappears off campus. Yuu gets back inside and walks into Trein's office as he's one of the more moral people at Night Raven.

"Hi, Professor Trein. Do you have a little time to chat?" Yuu asks, knocking on the door frame.

Trein stops grading papers and looks at Yuu.

"Sure, come inside. What do you want to talk about?" Trein says, putting his pen down and looking at Yuu.

"I wanted to ask for advice. So my friend is being offered a better life, but if they accept the offer, their friends might get hurt. They also might not be able to go to school anymore. What should they do?" Yuu explains, trying not to make eye contact.

"I think your friend should follow their heart. She should do what's best," Trein answers, holding Yuu's nervous hands.


Yuu squeezes Trein's hands and smiles softly.

"Thank you," Yuu replies, letting go of Trein's hands and returning to her dorm.

As Yuu walks the hallways, there's a tension of excitement and drama in the air. The students are murmuring and whispering in groups.

"Yuu! Yuu, you've got to see this!" Ace exclaims, running to you and grabbing her shoulder.

"What is it, Ace?" Yuu asks, turning around to see Ace, Deuce, Cater, Vil, and Riddle.

"Look!"Ace says, pulling out his phone and playing a news clip.

"Night Raven College, a rival to Royal Sword, is in some hot water as the Arcane Financial branch zeros in on the school on suspicion of embezzlement, insurance fraud, and over ten charges of child endangerment and child neglect. Although not many details about the case are known to the public, more will release during the coming weeks. TwistNews 3 o'clock, Bella Ramirez, out!" A woman with long brown hair and light brown skin says, organizing her papers.

"My Magicam is blowing up with reporters and my agent asking me what's happening. Crowley has to say something soon, or else this island will be in a social media frenzy!" Vil panics, his phone ringing, and beeping.

"Everyone! Into the gym at once!" Crowley screams, bursting out of his office.

In the next: Twisted Developments:

The school begins to fall apart.

"I just want to say that these allegations are untrue! I would never mismanage money for this school! Any money I get I use to make this school a better place for your innovati-" Crowley vents, not getting a chance to finish before the whole gym floor opens into a sinkhole.

"AAAH!" Yuu screams as her side of the bleachers begins to sink.

A pair of strong arms catch her, and she's now face to with Malleus.

"Are you ok?" Malleus asks, making sure not to let Yuu go.

"Yeah," Yuu shyly replies, her face a little pink.

The bleachers go into the sinkhole more, and several students, including Malleus, Yuu, and Vil, fall down.

Yuu gets her first kiss.

Malleus's cold lips are on Yuu's. Both of their eyes are wide.

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