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Kol has been resurrected and has been with the Mikaelsons for a few weeks.

It had been a year since Jay died and Cami was happily with Klaus until one day when Will came knocking on Cami's door.
Cami opened the door and saw Will standing outside with roses in his hand.
Cami looked down at the roses.
"What are you doing here?"-C
"I missed you and I thought we could talk."-W
Cami hesitated for a moment but didn't want to sound rude so she invited him inside.
"So what did you want to talk about?"-C
Cami felt uncomfortable since she was in a happy relationship with the hybrid and didn't want to ruin it.
"Will, you know that I'm with Klaus."-C
"I know but I just wanted to catch up."-W
"Oh okay."-C
Cami began talking about what she'd been doing for the last couple of months. When she finished, Will smiled at her.
"You've been busy."-W
Cami chuckled and looked at the hand that Will placed on her lap. She shifted uncomfortably but Will didn't move.
"I should probably go now. Klaus is expecting me."-C
Cami stood up to leave but Will vamped infront of her and forcefully kissed her. She pushed him away from her but he wouldn't stop. She dug her nails into his wrist but he just moved Cami closer towards him. Suddenly, someone came in the room and pinned Will to a wall.
"What do you think you're doing?!"-K
Cami breathed heavily as she put a hand on her chest. Klaus looked at her while still having his hand on Will's throat.
"Are you alright?"-K
"I'm okay."-C
Cami smiled at him. Klaus turned back to Will and punched him in the face before letting him go.
"Go near her again and you'll get a lot more than a punch."-K
Klaus walked over to Cami.
"Are you sure you're okay?"-K
Cami smiled and kissed him.
"Better than ever."-C
"We're having a dinner tonight and if you're willing I would like you to come with me."-K
Cami kissed him again before being interrupted.
"Yes sweetheart?"-C
Cami turned around to see Lilly who was turning 15 soon.
"What happened?"-L
Lilly looked at Will who was still on the floor.
"It's nothing you should worry about."-C
Lilly then looked at Klaus as if she had just noticed him. She and Klaus had gotten close after he started dating Cami and he loved her as much as he loved Hope. She ran up to him and hugged him.
"Hi Klaus."-L
"Hello love."-K
Lilly stepped away from him and smiled. She then grabbed her bag and put on her shoes.
"Where are you off to?"-C
"I need to finish that project."-L
"You should wait. Klaus could take you."-C
Cami looked at him confused.
"To your house. She and Hope have been working on a project."-C
Lilly looked down, avoiding eye-contact.
"Not that I know of. Hope has been in Mystic Falls for a few days now."-K
Cami crossed her arms and looked at Lilly.
"There is no project, is there?"-C
"Maybe but please..."-L
"You're not going anywhere."-C
"Come on, please?"-L
"Cami you should let her go."-K
"Klaus, let me handle this."-C
Klaus smirked as he took a step back.
"Where have you been going for the last few days?"-C
"To see Brody."-L
"He's been in town for a week."-L
"You could have told me."-C
"You're right. I'm sorry."-L
"And your suspension's ended so we're going to Mystic Falls today."-C
"Please can I stay with you?"-L
"Nice try but you have to go back to school."-C
"I don't want to see Rebecca again."-L
"Lilly, you punched her in the face. I'm sure she doesn't want to see you either."-C
"What happened?"-K
Klaus took a step closer to Cami.
"She punched Rebecca for being mean to Hope and Elena."-C
"Somebody was being rude to Hope?"-K
Lilly noticed that Klaus got angrier and tried to calm him down.
"No it wasn't like that. We got into a petty fight and she annoyed me so I punched her."-L
"Is Hope alright?"-K
"She's fine. Anyway, can I have one more day off?"-L
"Pack your bags."-C
Cami smiled as she hinted towards Lilly's bedroom.
"We're leaving after I come back from dinner."-C
"Dinner? You're taking her on a date?"-L
Lilly looked at Klaus.
"Everyone will be there except Hope ofcourse."-K
Lilly went into her room and began picking out clothes to put in her suitcase.
"I need to call Caroline and let her know."-C
"Sure. I'll see you tonight."-K
Cami smiled at him.
"I love you."-C
"I love you too."-K
Klaus kissed her once more before leaving.

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